What is an Oklahoma form 501?

Every pass-through entity, required to withhold income tax from the Oklahoma share of taxable income distrib- uted to nonresident members, shall furnish Form 501 together with Forms 500-B to the Oklahoma Tax Com- mission by the due date, including extensions, of the pass-through entity’s income tax return.

How do I pay my Oklahoma Tax Commission?

To make a payment online, visit oktap.tax.ok.gov and click on the “Make a Payment” link. If the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of the IRS provides for a later due date, your payment may be made by the later due date and will be considered timely.

Why would I get a letter from Oklahoma Tax Commission?

The Oklahoma Tax Commission sent out thousands of these letters to people across the state. It’s not a scam – so they say you should not ignore it. The letter explains to taxpayers that additional action is required to process their income tax returns.

How do I apply for farm tax exemption in Oklahoma?

You can apply online using OkTAP or by going to your local county assessor’s office for assistance in applying. WHAT DO I NEED TO APPLY? Applicants should submit an IRS Schedule F, Form 4835, Forms 1065, 1120, 1120S or other document you believe demonstrates you are regularly engaged in farming/ranching for a profit.

What is a form 511?

This Form can be used to file a: Tax Return, Tax Amendment, Change of Address. Place an “X” in the Amended Return check-box at the top of the form. On Form 511, you should enter any amounts you paid with your original, accepted return, plus any amounts paid after it was filed on line 30.

How do I renew my sales tax permit in Oklahoma?

You’ll go to the Tax Commission office in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Your sales tax permit will be issued on a probationary basis. This probation lasts for six months. Once your probationary period is over, the permit will automatically renew for a period of 30 months.

What is a tax warrant Oklahoma?

A tax warrant that is directed to a county sheriff commands the sheriff to levy upon and sell, without any appraisement or valuation, any of the taxpayer’s real or personal property within the county for the payment of the delinquent tax, plus any interest and penalties, as well as the cost of executing the warrant.