What is an example of Detournement?

Examples of contemporary detournement include Adbusters’ “subvertisements” and other instances of culture jamming, as well as poems composed collaboratively by Marlene Mountain, Paul Conneally, and others, in which quotations from such famous sources as the Ten Commandments and quotations by United States President …

What is psychogeography study?

Psychogeography, as the term suggests, is the intersection of psychology and geography. It focuses on our psychological experiences of the city, and reveals or illuminates forgotten, discarded, or marginalised aspects of the urban environment.

Is psychogeography a methodology?

It is for the above reasons that a qualitative approach, methodologies such as psychogeography, and techniques such as the dérive are appealing, but they are not unproblematic.

Where did psychogeography originate?

Psychogeography originated in 1950’s Paris with Guy Debord, the creator of the avant-garde group, the Lettrist International. Debord’s own definition is as follows: “The study of the specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organised or not, on the emotions and behaviour of individuals.”

How do you pronounce Detournement?


  1. IPA: /de.tuʁ.nə.mɑ̃/
  2. Audio. 0:02. (file)

Who coined psychogeography?

theorist Guy Debord
The term psychogeography was invented by the Marxist theorist Guy Debord in 1955 in order to explore this.

What is Situationist theory?

Under the controversy of person–situation debate, situationism is the theory that changes in human behavior are factors of the situation rather than the traits a person possesses. Behavior is believed to be influenced by external, situational factors rather than internal traits or motivations.

Who invented the term psychogeography?

The originator of what became known as unitary urbanism, psychogeography, and the dérive was Ivan Chtcheglov, in his highly influential 1953 essay “Formulaire pour un urbanisme nouveau” (“Formulary for a New Urbanism”).

What is literary psychogeography?

“Literary psychogeography” is the method to bring all those scattered images within reach, it enables people to wander freely through space and time with eyes and ears / looking and listening.

What is a derive walk?

It is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, in which participants drop their everyday relations and “let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there”.

What is the goal of Situationist art?

In the field of culture situationists wanted to break down the division between artists and consumers and make cultural production a part of everyday life. It combined two existing groupings, the Lettrist International and the International Union for a Pictorial Bauhaus.

What is the Situationist critique of personality?

A critique of the concept of personality, initiated by the Austrian-born US psychologist Walter Mischel (born 1930) in his book Personality and Assessment (1968), based on evidence apparently contradicting the fundamental assumption of all personality theories, namely that people display more or less consistent …