What is an example of confer?

To bestow (an honor, for example). Conferred a medal on the hero. The definition of confer is to consult or carry on a discussion. An example of confer is for a company committee to have a discussion before deciding on a new employee.

What is a good sentence for confer?

1. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision. 2. I should like some time to confer with my lawyer.

How do you use confer?

1 : bestow, present Many honors were conferred upon her at graduation. 2 : to compare views especially in studying a problem The umpires decided to confer with one another.

What confer means?

verb (used without object), con·ferred, con·fer·ring. to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation. verb (used with object), con·ferred, con·fer·ring. to bestow upon as a gift, favor, honor, etc.: to confer a degree on a graduate. Obsolete. to compare.

Do you confer?

When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer. He conferred with Hill and the others in his office. To confer something such as power or an honor on someone means to give it to them.

What is confer synonym?

synonyms for confer

  • advise.
  • argue.
  • brainstorm.
  • consult.
  • huddle.
  • negotiate.
  • speak.
  • bargain.

How do you confer someone?

1[intransitive] confer (with somebody) (on/about something) to discuss something with someone, in order to exchange opinions or get advice He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.

What is the synonym of confer?

Some common synonyms of confer are afford, bestow, donate, give, and present. While all these words mean “to convey to another as a possession,” confer implies a gracious giving (as of a favor or honor).

What is the noun of confer?

conference. The act of consulting together formally; serious conversation or discussion; interchange of views.

Does not confer meaning?

1 v-recip When you conferwith someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer. He conferred with Hill and the others in his office… V with n. His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.

Does confer mean wish?