What is an example of an epithet in The Odyssey?
What is an example of an epithet in The Odyssey?
An example of an epithet used in The Odyssey include describing Olympian gods and the titular character of Odysseus. Homer also uses epithets to describe the setting of his story, like describing the raging waves of the ocean as a “wine-dark sea”.
What epithet does Odysseus call himself?
In Books 9–12 Odysseus himself narrates his adventures to his hosts and audience, the Phaeacians, giving him the epithet “the great teller of tales.” Like the poem itself, the shape of Odysseus’s narrative is not straightforward, but has many twists and turns, starting in the middle and doubling back on itself.
What is Circe’s epithet in The Odyssey?
Homer’s Odyssey One of her Homeric epithets is polypharmakos, “knowing many drugs or charms”.
What is Telemachus epithet?
His four most frequent labels or epithet phrases in the poem are “godlike Telemachus,” “thoughtful Telemachus,” “hero Telemachus,” and the “holy strength of Telemachus.” These are non-specific epithets, and are applied to other heroes as well as Telemachus.
What epithet does Athena use when addressing Odysseus?
Odysseus is known by various epithets, including “son of Laertes” and “raider of cities.” Here, the goddess Athena speaks to her father, Zeus, on behalf of Odysseus.
What is an epithet for Athena?
Athena or Athene, often given the epithet Pallas, is an ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, handicraft, and warfare who was later syncretized with the Roman goddess Minerva.
What is Zeus’s epithet?
AETNAEUS (Aitnaios), an epithet given to several gods and mythical beings connected with Mount Aetna, such as Zeus, of whom there was a statue on mount Aetna, and to whom a festival was celebrated there, called Aetnaea (Schol. ad Pind.
What are examples of epithets?
A girl’s name is Marilynn, but her parents call her Lynn. Her sister calls her Mary. And her friends call her Merry-go-round when she’s being silly. Lynn, Mary, and Merry-go-round are all epithets, or special nicknames that replace the name of a person and often describe them in some way.
What is an epithet?
Definition of epithet 1a : a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing. b : a disparaging or abusive word or phrase. c : the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus.
What is the best epithet?
Here are just a few of the most famous cultural epithets.
- The Bard (William Shakespeare)
- The Piano Man (Billy Joel)
- The Duke (John Wayne)
- The King (Elvis Presley)
- The Prince of Pop (Michael Jackson)
- The Boss (Bruce Springsteen)
- The Gipper (Ronald Reagan)
- The People’s Princess (Diana of Wales)