What is an example of a supporting sentence?

Supporting sentences should fit the context and flow of a paragraph. Example: If a paragraph was written about the closing of the Family Tree Store in town, a good supporting sentence of this topic would be: The Family Tree Store that has been opened since 1901 is closing tomorrow.

What are main supporting points?

The supporting ideas are the more focused arguments that bolster the main ideas. They have a clear and direct connection with the main ideas. They are backed-up by evidence or illustrated by examples. In general, the supporting ideas that bolster the same main idea are grouped into one paragraph.

How do you start a supporting sentence?

Begin each supporting paragraph with a topic sentence. This statement reinforces your point for the reader. Everything in the paragraph should support the point you establish in the initial sentence. Use specific facts from your research and specific examples to enhance and clarify the point you are making.

How do you write a good supporting sentence?

What are Supporting Sentences? The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic sentence. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence. – There are usually 2 – 4 supporting sentences in a paragraph.

How do you write a supporting statement?

How to write a supporting statement

  1. Review the job description. Review the job description and take note of keywords and phrases that employers include.
  2. Include relevant skills and qualifications.
  3. Give examples of your success.
  4. Keep your supporting statement brief.
  5. Format your statement.
  6. Proofread your statement.

What is main idea and supporting idea?

The main idea is the “key concept” being expressed. Details, major and minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details helps you understand the point(s) the writer is attempting to express.