What is an example of a mettle?
What is an example of a mettle?
Mettle is defined as a high quality of personal character. An example of mettle is a soldier’s bravery. An example of mettle is a person who has spirit and courage.
What type of word is mettle?
A quality of endurance and courage. Good temperament and character. Metal; a metallic substance.
What does worth their mettle mean?
To be determined to succeed and thus prove one’s worth, often in a difficult or unpleasant situation. I know my employees think I’m too young to be their supervisor, so I have to be on my mettle every day at the office. See also: mettle, on.
How do you use mettle?
They could and should have been allowed to prove their mettle. We had to prove our mettle in battle unfortunately. They are on their mettle to show that they can handle the new delegated powers. The school children have also shown their mettle under fire.
What is the synonym of mettle?
Frequently Asked Questions About mettle Some common synonyms of mettle are courage, resolution, spirit, and tenacity. While all these words mean “mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship,” mettle suggests an ingrained capacity for meeting strain or difficulty with fortitude and resilience.
Do you have the mettle?
Having the mettle to do something means you have guts. In short, you’re a pretty impressive person. If you have the intellectual mettle to enter a political debate, not only do you know a lot about politics, but you have the spunk to show it off.
What is the opposite of mettle?
Opposite of courage or spirit. apathy. cowardice. dullness. fear.
What is the synonym for meddle?
hinder, impede, impose, infringe, intrude, tamper, advance, encroach, encumber, inquire, interlope, interpose, invade, kibitz, molest, obtrude, pry, snoop, trespass, barge in.
What are some synonyms of mettle?
synonyms for mettle
- bravery.
- caliber.
- courage.
- fortitude.
- grit.
- spunk.
- stamina.
- temperament.
Is it mettle or meddle?
You can meddle in the affairs of another; But you won’t win a medal for doing so; Resisting the urge to do so shows mettle, somewhat.
What is an antonym for mettle?
Antonyms. cowardice fearfulness cowardly faintheartedness fear spirit cravenness.