What is an articulation agreement?

An articulation agreement is a formal document produced when two or more academic institutions follow a process leading to a partnership to provide a formalized pathway for student transfer.

Where can you find an articulation agreement for CSU UC schools?

Go to CSU Articulation page.

  • University of California (UC) Articulation. Here you will find general education requirements, online catalogs, and additional articulation resources for the 10 UC campuses.
  • Private & Out-of-State Colleges Articulation.
  • High School to College.

What community colleges have the TAP program?

You may obtain further information by contacting one of the community college programs listed below.

  • American River College. Sacramento, CA.
  • Antelope Valley College. Lancaster, CA.
  • Cabrillo College. Aptos, CA.
  • CaƱada College. Redwood City, CA.
  • Cerritos College. Norwalk, CA.
  • Cerro Coso College.
  • Chaffey College.
  • Citrus College.

What is UCLA Transfer Alliance Program?

UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) is a priority admission review program hosted by UCLA in consort with California Community College honors programs that complete a rigorous review process through the office of UCLA admissions.

Why would using an articulation agreement benefit you?

From one sense, articulation agreements attempt to simplify the college transition assuming it leads to continued enrollment in a 4yr institution’s program. The sending college benefits by marketing the acceptability of their program and courses – drafting on the senior 4yr institution’s brand.

What does articulation mean in college?

Articulation is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) from a “sending” campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus.

Is assist org accurate?

ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer in California.

Does UCLA accept community college transfers?

We give highest priority to applicants from California community colleges and other UC campuses. UCLA admits students for fall quarter only. Following are many of the criteria we consider: Junior-level standing (60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units completed) by the end of the spring term before you transfer.

Does UCLA have a guaranteed transfer program?

While Berkeley and UCLA do not offer guaranteed transfer admission, they do offer priority consideration for students transferring from California community colleges and even higher consideration for TAP participants.