What is an another word for something?

Find another word for something. In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for something, like: anything, being, nothing, thing, object, it, existent, someone, something-special, what and do something.

What words can replace something?


  • belongings,
  • chattels,
  • duds,
  • effects,
  • gear,
  • goods,
  • holdings,
  • movables.

What is another word for having a thing for something?

What is another word for having a thing for?

loving appreciating
enjoying fancying
liking admiring
finding irresistible preferring
venerating adulating

What is a short word for something?

SMTH is short for something.

What kind of word is something?

Word Type. Something can be an abbreviation, a verb, a pronoun or a noun.

What word goes with thing?


  • accomplishment.
  • achievement.
  • action.
  • deed.
  • doing.
  • execution.
  • exploit.
  • feat.

What does it mean to have a thing for something?

phrase​informal. DEFINITIONS1. to have very strong feelings about someone or something, especially feelings that are unusual or unreasonable.

What does having a thing mean?

If you have a thing about someone or something, you have very strong feelings about them. [informal] I had always had a thing about red hair.

What grammar word is something?

Grammar > Nouns, pronouns and determiners > Pronouns > Someone, somebody, something, somewhere. from English Grammar Today. Someone, somebody, something, somewhere are indefinite pronouns. They function in a similar way to some. We use them in affirmative clauses and in questions expecting a particular answer.

How do you use the word something?

[M] [T] I have something that I want to say to him. [M] [T] I looked in my closet for something to wear. [M] [T] Something must have happened to him on the way. [M] [T] I’m hungry, so I’m going to get something to eat.