What is an adjustable reamer set?

Sutton Tools Adjustable Reamers have carbon steel replaceable blades and are good general purpose tools suitable for tool rooms and workshop use. They will produce a clean accurate hole with adjustable size control. For use by hand with suitable wrench.

What is an adjustable blade reamer?

Adjustable Blade Reamers are used for hand resizing of multiple hole diameters to a precise diameter with a smooth finish. Blades move within tapered slots in the reamer body by loosening the nut at one end and tightening the nut at the other, allowing the reamer to maintain a specific size by compensating for wear.

How do you measure an adjustable reamer?

To use the reamer: The hole must be undersize after the hole is drilled/turned, then ream up the hole until the surface is smooth and measure with inside micrometer or try to fit the shaft. If too little size, ream up in next step (adjusted with the collars) and measure/try to fit to shaft.

How does an expansion reamer work?

Expansion reamers have an adjustment screw that expands the size of the cutting head so it can be reground to its original size. This extends the life of the tool by allowing the operator to compensate for wear on the reamer’s cutting edge.

What is an expansion reamer?

Expansion reamers are precision tools that can be reused multiple times and are generally used for reaming abrasive material. They are built with slots cut between the flutes and a tapered screw in the head.

What is the function of pilot in the hand reamer with pilot?

Pilot reamers have a cylindrical body and pilot keeps the reamer concentric with the hole being reamed.

How does a hand reamer differ from a machine reamer?

A hand reamer has a longer taper or lead in at the front than a machine reamer. This is to compensate for the difficulty of starting a hole by hand power alone. It also allows the reamer to start straight and reduce the risk of breakage. The flutes may be straight or spiral.

What is the difference between an expansion and adjustable reamer?

Expansion reamers are not adjustable reamers. The set screw acts as a wedge being turned into the shank of the reamer. As it is turned inward, the steel flutes are bent outward. Once this happens, it cannot be undone.