What is an Adey MagnaClean?

The product is a magnetic filter that is designed to fit onto almost any boiler’s pipework, clearing out debris and sludge before it can build up and block the system or leak into the water supply. Like any filter, MagnaClean stops you from having to flush the systems constantly every time they clog up with rust.

How often should I clean my MagnaClean filter?

How Often to Clean MagnaClean Filter. The MagnaClean filter should be should cleaned every time the boiler is serviced in order to keep your boiler running safely. It thereby stops breakdowns and further damage to your boiler.

When should I replace MagnaClean?

You do not ever need to replace the magnetic filter. The MagnaClean has no disposable parts. They should last as long as your boiler. All you have to do is clean it out once in a while for it to work efficiently.

How often should you clean a Magna clean?

We recommend it is cleaned once a year, using the ADEY Best Practice six-step process, which includes topping up with ADEY’s inhibitor, MC1+.

How long do magnetic filters last?

The filter itself contains a unique magnetic field booster which extends the filter’s dirt collection capacity, meaning it can remove more dirt, more quickly. Benefits: 20-year guarantee.

How long does a Magna clean last?

How long will Magnaclean last? The Magnaclean filter is a one-off purchase which is designed to last the lifetime of the heating system.

How much does it cost to install Magnaclean?

Magnaclean Professional Installation from £335+VAT On average, it will take between 3 and 5 hours to install. We only charge once the work is complete to provide customer with complete piece of mind.

Why is my MagnaClean leaking?

It’s a common occurrence to see leaks between the canister and top cap after the filter has been removed for periodic cleaning. There is a large O-ring inside which provides the seal. If the O-ring is dry it can become unseated when the cap is tightened, leaks will soon occur.