What is an action word that starts with D?

50 Verbs Starting With D

Verb Definition Synonym
damage to injure or impair ruin, wreck, harm
dance to move the feet and body in rhythm boogie, shake a leg, shimmy
dare to challenge someone to do something that requires courage goad, taunt, provoke
deal to distribute, such as dealing a hand of cards apportion, allot, dispense

What are good action words for a resume?

Resume Action Words for Management and Leadership Achievements

  • Achieved.
  • Attained.
  • Strengthened.
  • Initiated.
  • Coordinated.
  • Developed.
  • Managed.
  • Orchestrated.

What is a verb that starts with D?

LIST OF POSITIVE VERBS STARTING WITH D. Dabble to splash or play in water playfully and gently; sprinkle; moisten. Daintify to make dainty or delicate. Dance move in rhythmical way; express pleasure by motion; frisk.

Do is a verb?

Do as an auxiliary verb. Do is one of three auxiliary verbs in English: be, do, have. We use do to make negatives (do + not), to make question forms, and to make the verb more emphatic.

What are some strong action verbs?

50+ Strong Action Verbs You Need to Use on Your Resume Now

Advance Discern Halt
Centralize Enforce Network
Champion Enliven Optimize
Classify Ensure Orchestrate
Convey Entrench Predict

What is a positive word for D?

Positive Words That Start with D to Compliment Others

  • Dashing. Definition: attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence.
  • Darling. Definition: used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person.
  • Dear. Definition: regarded with deep affection.
  • Decorous.
  • Deft.
  • Dignified.
  • Designer.
  • Dexterous.