What is an accessory fissure of the lung?

An accessory fissure is a cleft of varying depth, lined by visceral pleura in the outer surface of the lung and appears as thin white line in unusual locations through chest radiographic/computed tomographic (CT) studies.

What is the most common accessory fissure?

inferior accessory fissure
The most common accessory fissure was the inferior accessory fissure (12%). The second most common accessory fissure was the left minor fissure (8%).

What are the different types of lungs fissures?

azygos fissure.

  • superior accessory fissure.
  • inferior accessory fissure.
  • left horizontal fissure.
  • vertical fissure line.
  • Which lung has 3 fissures?

    The left lung is divided into two lobes, upper and lower, by the oblique (major) fissure. The right lung has two fissures, oblique fissure and horizontal fissure, which separate the lung into three lobes – upper, middle, and lower.

    Which lung has accessory lobe?

    right lung
    The present case describes an accessory lobe between middle and lower lobes of right lung. An Azygos lobe of the lung affects the upper lobe of right lung, present in 1% individuals, where Lungs are divided into lobes by oblique and horizontal fissures.

    How many fissures are in the left lung?

    The right lung has three lobes and two fissures while the left lung has two lobes and one fissure.

    What is the function of lung fissures?

    In the right lung, the short horizontal fissure runs horizontally from the oblique fissure up to the anterior border and separates a wedge-shaped middle lobe from the upper lobe [1]. The fissures facilitate a uniform expansion of whole lung for more air intake during respiration.

    What is minor fissure?

    The horizontal fissure (also called the minor fissure) is a unilateral structure in the right lung that separates the right middle lobe from the right upper lobe.

    Which lung has only two lobes?

    The left lung consists of two lobes: the left upper lobe (LUL) and the left lower lobe (LLL). The right lobe is divided by an oblique and horizontal fissure, where the horizontal fissure divides the upper and middle lobe, and the oblique fissure divides the middle and lower lobes.

    How many fissures does the left lung have?

    What is accessory azygos fissure?

    The azygos lobe, also commonly referred to as an accessory lobe of the azygos vein, is located at the apicomedial portion of the right lung and is separated from the remainder of the upper lobe by a fissure. It usually has no significant clinical implications and is an incidental finding in radiographic studies.

    Where are the lung fissures located?

    Each lung has an oblique fissure separating the upper lobes from the lower lobes and the right lung has a horizontal fissure that separates the right upper lobe from the middle lobe.