What is Amun the god of?

Amun, god of the air, was one of the eight primordial Egyptian deities. Amun’s role evolved over the centuries; during the Middle Kingdom he became the King of the deities and in the New Kingdom he became a nationally worshipped god. He eventually merged with Ra, the ancient sun god, to become Amun-Ra.

Is Ra and Amun the same god?

In the early days of the Egyptian civilization, he was worshipped as two separate gods. Amun was the god who created the universe. Ra was the god of the sun and light, who traveled across the sky every day in a burning boat.

Who is Amun in Egypt?

Amon, also spelled Amun, Amen, or Ammon, Egyptian deity who was revered as king of the gods. Granite statue of Amon in the form of a ram protecting King Taharqa, 25th dynasty, 690–664 bce.

What is the myth of Amun?

He was originally the patron deity of Thebes, having replaced Montu by 21st century BC. After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I, Amun was fused with Ra, becoming Amun-Ra and became the key deity within, often seen as a creator god and having the title “The Invisible One”.

What symbol is Amun?

Symbol two vertical plumes, the ram-headed Sphinx (Criosphinx)
Consort Amunet Wosret Mut
Offspring Khonsu
Greek equivalent Zeus

What powers did Amun?

Amun-Ra can achieve and do almost absolutely anything without any limit or condition as he is one of the most powerful Gods. Omnipotence: After achieving his true power, Amun-Ra has the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect.

What are Amun powers?

What was the power of Amun?

Originally, Amun-Ra was known as Ra who was recognized as the “Sun God.” He not only created himself, but he was the creator of the entire universe. He was known to have so much power, that some historians believe that the ancient Egyptians had a monotheistic belief.

Who worshipped Amun?

As the chief deity of the Egyptian Empire, Amun-Ra also came to be worshipped outside Egypt, according to the testimony of ancient Greek historiographers in Libya and Nubia. As Zeus-Ammon, he came to be identified with Zeus in Greece.

How strong is Amun?

Absolute Strength: As the Omni-King of the 10th multiverse, Amun-Ra possessed incredible levels of strength that surpasses even all the gods from his multiverse, but rivals that of Omni-Kings. Amun-Ra is the most powerful being in Egypt and the 9th multiverse.

How powerful is Amun?

Do people still worship Amun-Ra?

Although the old religion ‘died’ at the beginning of the middle ages, it still exists in different variations today. The most popular one is Kemetism, an Egyptian neopagan religion which wants to reconstruct Ancient Egyptian beliefs.