What is ambiguous command?

The error message “% Ambiguous command.” is displayed if the command cannot be uniquely identified. If you enter the command in an abbreviated form, you must enter it to the point where it is uniquely identified.

What is invalid input detected at marker?

This error indicates that we have made an error while typing in a CLI command. This error message is preceded by a line with the single character ‘^’. There may be multiple errors in a line that we have typed in at the CLI.

How to create alias in cisco router?

To create a command alias, issue the alias command in global configuration mode. The syntax of the command is alias mode command-alias original-command. Who have never typed repeatedly the commands show cdp neigh or show ip inter brief?

Which of the following commands will place a welcoming message whenever you log in to a router?

Which of the following commands will place a welcoming message whenever you log in to a router? Router# banner message !

How do I get rid of invalid input?

If you encounter frequent Invalid Input pop-ups on your Android smartphone, it may be SIM-Toolkit or SIM Card problem….To clean the metal contacts on the SIM Card, do the following:

  1. Power off the phone.
  2. Remove SIM.
  3. Clean SIM terminals / contacts with soft cloth.
  4. Re-insert SIM.
  5. Reboot your phone.

What is privileged EXEC mode in Cisco?

privileged EXEC mode is the system administrator mode. In this mode configuration files can be read, the router can be rebooted, and operating parameters can be changed. global configuration mode is used to modify system-wide configuration parameters, such as routing tables and routing algorithms.

Why would you configure a switch with an IP address?

If you want to be able to manage your switch remotely over the network, your switch needs an IP address. If your switch has multiple VLANs configured, and you want to be able to manage the switch from each VLAN, the switch requires an IP address on a VLAN interface in each VLAN.

Which information does the show startup-config command display?

To display the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or to show the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, use the show startup-config EXEC command.

Which of the following commands allows you to access privileged EXEC mode?

the enable command
To enter privileged EXEC mode, enter the enable command. Privileged EXEC From user EXEC mode, enter the enable command.

Which of the following commands sets the secret password to Cisco?

Solution(By Examveda Team) To set the enable secret , use the enable secret command from global configuration mode.

How do I get rid of SIM Toolkit error in application?

Try the following : > Settings > apps > application list > scroll down until you find sim tool kit > force stop it.

How do I install SIM Toolkit?

How to access SIM Toolkit Android?

  1. Step 1: Go to your phone’s Settings. Launch Settings app.
  2. Step 2: Click on Apps. Select Apps.
  3. Step 3: Select SIM Toolkit. Select SIM Toolkit.
  4. Step 2: Select Wireless & networks. Select Wireless & networks.
  5. Step 3: Click on Dual SIM Settings.
  6. Step 4: Tick off the slider.