What is Alpha in power law distribution?

A power law distribution has the form Y = k Xα, where: X and Y are variables of interest, α is the law’s exponent, k is a constant.

What is a power law fit?

In statistics, a power law is a functional relationship between two quantities, where a relative change in one quantity results in a proportional relative change in the other quantity, independent of the initial size of those quantities: one quantity varies as a power of another.

What is the power law equation?

A power law is often represented by an equation with an exponent: Y=MX^B. Each letter represents a number. Y is a function (the result); X is the variable (the thing you can change); B is the order of scaling (the exponent), and M is a constant (unchanging). If M is equal to 1, the equation is then Y=X^B.

What is a power law curve fit?

This Help Article tells you how to fit a power law or an exponential to a set of points. The power law has the form y = a x^b, and the exponential models y = a exp(b x). The power law or exponential increases faster than a linear function, and a simple least-squares method will fail to converge.

What is the power law index?

The Power law model can be used to describe any material that shows power law behaviour: A power law index, n>1 denotes that the sample is shear thickening; n<1 denotes that the sample is shear thinning and n=1 shows a Newtonian, viscous behaviour.

What is power law fluid mechanics?

The Power Law Fluid graph explains how shear thinning or thickening fluids correlates to the viscosity of said fluid. Viscosity will decrease in a shear thinning fluid; increase in a shear thickening, and with a Newtonian Fluid, there is no dependency of viscosity on shear rate.

What is a power line of best fit?

A linear trendline is a best-fit straight line that is used with simple linear data sets. Your data is linear if the pattern in its data points resembles a line. A linear trendline usually shows that something is increasing or decreasing at a steady rate.

What is a power law slope?

A plot of the logarithm of the freefall distance as a function of the logarithm of time yields a straight line of slope 2. The slope of a log-log plot gives the power of the relationship, and a straight line is an indication that a definite power relationship exists.

How do you fit a power law in Matlab?

Fit Power Series Models Interactively

  1. Open the Curve Fitter app by entering curveFitter at the MATLAB® command line.
  2. In the Curve Fitter app, select curve data.
  3. Click the arrow in the Fit Type section to open the gallery, and click Power in the Regression Models group.