What is allow transfer in DNS?

allow-transfer defines a match list e.g. IP address(es) that are allowed to transfer (copy) the zone information from the server (master or slave for the zone). The default behaviour is to allow zone transfers to any host.

Why should the external DNS server disallow all zone transfers?

Security through obscurity. This mantra has been chanted in IT security circles for ages. Basically, it means that one of the first steps in achieving a secure network is to provide as little information as possible to people outside the network.

Which tool can be used to perform a DNS zone transfer on Windows?

NSlookup is a Windows tool which can be used to initiate a DNS zone transfer that sends all the DNS records to a hacker’s system.

How do I use a zone transfer?

To perform a zone transfer, type set q = any and then ls –d targetdomain. This will output the records that were received by the zone transfer. With all of the DNS information, it is possible to determine a lot about the network that uses that domain.

How do I enable DNS replication?


  1. Open DNS Manager.
  2. Expand the server name.
  3. Right click on ‘Forward Lookup Zones’
  4. Click New Zone.
  5. Start the wizard and select ‘Primary Zone’
  6. When prompted, enter the domain name.
  7. I recommend keeping the file name as domain.name.dns.

What triggers a zone transfer?

A server from which zone files are replicated can be either a primary or secondary server for the zone, and is often referred to as a master server. When a secondary DNS server starts up, it initiates a zone transfer from the master DNS server. It also checks periodically for updates on the master DNS server.

What are the three types of zone transfers?

There are three types of zone transfer to consider:

  • Full zone transfer.
  • Incremental zone transfer.
  • AD replication.

How do I prevent DNS zone transfer?

The simplest way to secure zone transfers is to restrict AXFR requests to trusted IP addresses. You can do it in your DNS server configuration or on your firewall. You can additionally use transaction signatures. Learn how to use transaction signatures in the BIND DNS server.

How many types of DNS zone transfer are possible and which?

There are three types of zone transfer to consider: Full zone transfer. Incremental zone transfer. AD replication.

How do you do a zone transfer?

How do I force DNS replication in Windows?

Double-click NTDS Settings for the server. Right-click the server you want to replicate from. Select Replicate Now from the context menu, as the Screen shows. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.