What is AJP Connector for Tomcat 6?
What is AJP Connector for Tomcat 6?
The AJP Connector. The AJP Connector element represents a Connector component that communicates with a web connector via the AJP protocol.
What are the connectors used in Tomcat?
There are two basic Connector types available in Tomcat – HTTP and AJP.
What is maxHttpHeaderSize?
maxHttpHeaderSize – The maximum size of the request and response HTTP header, specified in bytes. If not specified, this attribute is set to 4096 (4 KB).
What is maxPostSize in Tomcat?
POST Data limit. By default Tomcat limits POST data to 2 MB. This limit can cause an issue when you use rule sets, which can post data greater than this limit. To disable the POST limit in Tomcat, you can add the maxPostSize=”-1″ attribute to the element of the server. xml configuration file.
How many connections can Tomcat handle?
The default installation of Tomcat sets the maximum number of HTTP servicing threads at 200. Effectively, this means that the system can handle a maximum of 200 simultaneous HTTP requests.
What is Tomcat NIO connector?
The NIO connector (non-blocking I/O) is a bit more complicated. It uses the java NIO library and multiplexes between requests. It has two thread pools – one holds the the poller threads, which handle all incoming requests and push these requests to be handled by worker threads, held in another pool.
What is Catalina in Tomcat?
Tomcat is actually composed of a number of components, including a Tomcat JSP engine and a variety of different connectors, but its core component is called Catalina. Catalina provides Tomcat’s actual implementation of the servlet specification; when you start up your Tomcat server, you’re actually starting Catalina.
How does Tomcat NIO connector work?
What is AJP connector used for?
Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is used for communication between Tomcat and Apache web server. This protocol is binary and is enabled by default. Anytime the web server is started, AJP protocol is started on port 8009. It is primarily used as a reverse proxy to communicate with application servers.