What is ActiveX control used for?
What is ActiveX control used for?
ActiveX controls are component program objects that Microsoft developed to enable applications to perform specific functions, such as displaying a calendar or playing a video. An ActiveX control is a small program that other applications can reuse to enable the same functionality, without the extra development work.
What replaced ActiveX controls?
Microsoft dropped ActiveX support from the Windows Store edition of Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8. In 2015, Microsoft released Microsoft Edge, the replacement for Internet Explorer with no support for ActiveX, this event marked the end of ActiveX technology in Microsoft’s web browser development.
What is MFC ActiveX control?
An ActiveX control uses several programmatic elements to interact efficiently with a control container and with the user. These are class COleControl, a set of event-firing functions, and a dispatch map. Every ActiveX control object you develop inherits a powerful set of features from its MFC base class, COleControl .
Are ActiveX controls still used?
As of 2021, ActiveX controls are still supported on modern versions of Windows 10. You have to use the legacy Internet Explorer 11 browser, however—Microsoft Edge does not support ActiveX controls.
How do I use ActiveX control in MFC application?
Here’s how to do it:
- Go to ClassWizard’s Member variables page, and select the ActiveX control’s ID in the Control IDs box.
- Click the Add Variable button, and choose the wrapper class’s name (for example, CCalendar) in the Variable Type box.
- Click OK.
How do I create an ActiveX control?
- Step 1: Create A Test Container. Start the Control Creation Edition, highlight Standard EXE, and click Open as shown below.
- Step 2: Add A Blank ActiveX Control Project.
- Step 3: Draw The Visual Interface For The Control.
- Step 4: Write Event Driven Code.
- Step 5: Use And Test The Control.