What is Achilles tendon Xanthoma?
What is Achilles tendon Xanthoma?
Achilles tendon xanthomata are painless soft tissue masses occurring most commonly at the distal portion of the tendon and are usually bilateral and symmetrical.
What causes tendon Xanthomas?
Tendinous xanthomas are caused by impairment in lipoprotein regulation, which results in accumulated cholesterol deposits in the tendons, ligaments, or periosteum [1]. The nodules are most often found over the Achilles tendons, hands, and the extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees [1].
Are tendon Xanthomas painful?
These slow-growing nodules are firm and mobile and can present with a yellowish hue [2]. As the nodules enlarge, they can cause pain, restricted joint mobility, disability, and tendon rupture [3,4].
Does your Achilles tendon heel?
The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. When the calf muscles flex, the Achilles tendon pulls on the heel. This movement allows us to stand on our toes when walking, running, or jumping.
How do you treat tendon xanthoma?
Aside from treating cholesterol itself, treatment for Xanthomas involves taking a biopsy of the lesion but leaving the nodules intact. A xanthoma of a tendon infiltrates the tendon, but may also involve adjacent ligament, fascia, or periosteum.
What does a xanthoma look like?
Symptoms of Xanthomas Xanthomas are small bumps on the skin. They are generally small, although they can get as large as 3 inches across. They might appear as single bumps or in clusters. A large group of them may occur all at once.
What does a xanthomas look like?
Xanthomas can vary in size. The growths may be as small as a pinhead or as large as a grape. They often look like a flat bump under the skin and sometimes appear yellow or orange. They usually don’t cause any pain.
Can xanthomas go away on their own?
In some cases, once you get your blood lipid levels down, the xanthomas will go away on their own. If not, you can speak to your doctor about having them removed.
What does xanthoma feel like?
Symptoms of Xanthomas They might appear as single bumps or in clusters. A large group of them may occur all at once. They do not have a uniform shape and size, and their color might vary from reddish to yellowish. The bumps may be itchy or tender to the touch.
What is the lump on my Achilles tendon?
A lump in the middle of your Achilles tendon usually means Achilles Tendonitis which is treatable with exercise most of the time. If the lump on your Achilles tendon is at the base of the heel there could be a few diagnoses. Most will respond well with treatment, however some may need medical management.
How is xanthoma diagnosed?
How is xanthoma diagnosed? Your doctor or dermatologist can typically diagnose xanthoma. They may be able to make a diagnosis simply by examining your skin. A skin biopsy can confirm the presence of a fatty deposit beneath the skin.