What is ACA accreditation?

ACA standards focus on health, safety, and risk management practices. The main purpose of the ACA-accreditation program is to educate camp owners and directors in the administration of key aspects of camp operation, particularly those related to program quality and the health and safety of campers and staff.

What is an ACA standard?

ACA standards relating to safety require adherence to all federal, state, and local fire and safety codes; emergency planning and preparation; and the provision of related training and materials for staff and inmates.

What does ACA stand for in prisons?

Introduction and Background. The primary purpose of the DWI Addictions Treatment Program (ATP) at the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) is to reduce the incidence of DWI in the county by providing quality addiction treatment to DWI offenders in the Jail.

What is ACA in TDCJ?

American Correctional Association (ACA) Accreditation ACA audits provide a three-year cycle of external auditing, an independent assessment of agency achievement of prison industry standards and federally mandated accreditation of correctional health care.

How many ACA standards are there?

In order to receive accreditation, DAPO shall comply with 176 of the ACA Performance-Based Standards for Adult Probation and Parole (4th Edition) with a score of 100% on 6 mandatory requirements and at least 90% on 170 non-mandatory requirements.

How often is ACA accreditation?

The ACA does not provide oversight or ongoing monitoring of correctional facilities, but only verifies whether a facility has policies that comply with the ACA’s self-promulgated standards at the time of accreditation. Following initial accreditation, facilities are re-accredited at three-year intervals.

What are the ACA code of ethics?

autonomy, or fostering the right to control the direction of one’s life; • nonmaleficence, or avoiding actions that cause harm; • beneficence, or working for the good of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well-being; • justice, or treating individuals equitably and fostering fairness and equality …

How many correctional institutions have been accredited or are in the process of accreditation?

— The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced on Aug. 8 that seven of the state’s prisons had earned accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, bringing the total number of accredited state prisons in California to 30.

Are there ethical codes for the work of correctional officers?

Correctional officers adhere to a code of ethics and professional conduct, which is a set of standards pertaining to morals and the effective discharge of duties. There is no uniform text for the code, with each jurisdiction or facility allowed to craft its own.

Why is ACA accreditation important?

ACA standards focus on health, safety, and risk management practices. Accreditation provides a framework to manage resources, offer best practices in policies and procedures, and strive for continuous improvement.