What is A3 in Lean Thinking?

A3 thinking is a collaborative process management and improvement tool developed by Toyota. The applications of an A3 are broad. It can be used for problem solving, decision making, planning or reporting of a specific issue from the proposal stage to commissioning.

What is an A3 in project management?

The A3 process allows groups of people to actively collaborate on the purpose, goals, and strategy of a project. It encourages in-depth problem solving throughout the process and adjusting as needed to ensure that the project most accurately meets its intended goal.

How do you make an A3?

Steps of the A3 Process

  1. Step 0: Identify a problem or need.
  2. Step 1: Conduct research to understand the current situaion.
  3. Step 2: Conduct root cause analysis.
  4. Step 3: Devise countermeasures to address root causes.
  5. Step 4: Develop a target state.
  6. Step 5: Create an implementation plan.

What is A3 in agile?

An A3 is more than an 11 x 17 inch piece of paper that is structured into several sections and not all A3’s are created equal. An A3 is a structured problem solving and continuous improvement approach, first employed at Toyota and typically used by Lean manufacturing practitioners.

What is an A3?

A3 refers to a European paper size that is roughly equivalent to an American 11-inch by 17-inch tabloid-sized paper. The A3 format is used by Toyota as the template for three different types of reports: Proposals.

What A3 means?

Is A3 part of lean?

An A3 is a simple one page format problem solving methodology that is based on lean principles.

What means A3?

noun. a standard paper size, 297 × 420 mm.

What is A3 in lean manufacturing?

The A3 process is a simple way of getting a problem, an analysis, a corrective action or an action plan written down on a single sheet of large paper, often with the use of graphics. Many manufacturers use it as a powerful lean management tool.

What is A3 root cause?

The A3 is a tool for identifying root causes to deep problems and building consensus on how to remedy them.

When should an A3 be used?

An A3 allows you to capture all the thinking you’ve done for your process improvement project on one A3-sized (11×17) sheet of paper. This tool both helps you structure your own thinking about how to make an improvement and communicate the purpose, research, and findings of your project to others.

What is an A3 Report used for?

A3 Reports are one-page reports used for documenting the necessary information needed for progress reporting and decision-making. A3 Reports simplify project reporting because they pull from otherwise numerous, detailed progress reports and extensive background analyses.