What is a word for strange occurrence?

A very unusual and unexpected event or situation. freak. aberration. anomaly. irregularity.

What is another word for strange things?

Some common synonyms of strange are eccentric, erratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, singular, and unique.

What is a word for when something unexpected happens?

unforeseen, unanticipated, unpredicted, not bargained for, unlooked for, unhoped for, out of the blue, without warning, without notice. chance, fortuitous, unplanned, serendipitous, adventitious. sudden, abrupt, surprising, startling, astonishing, uncommon, abnormal, extraordinary.

What’s another word for it’s going to happen?

impending, prospective, imminent, looming.

How do you say something unusual?

  1. bizarre,
  2. eccentric,
  3. far-out,
  4. kooky.
  5. (also kookie),
  6. oddball,
  7. outlandish,
  8. outré,

How would you describe something unusual?

Something unusual is uncommon. It’s odd, weird, or out of the ordinary in some way. Unusual is the opposite of usual, thanks to the prefix un, meaning “not.” Unusual things are noteworthy: you don’t see them every day. A dog chasing a squirrel is usual.

How do you say something happened unexpectedly?


  1. turn up. phrasal verb. to happen unexpectedly or by chance.
  2. spring. verb. to happen or appear somewhere suddenly or unexpectedly.
  3. sneak up. phrasal verb.
  4. shoot. verb.
  5. strike. verb.
  6. supervene. verb.
  7. drop/fall into/land in someone’s lap. phrase.
  8. take/catch someone by surprise. phrase.

What do you call an unexpected outcome?

A result which was not planned for. unintended consequence. unanticipated consequence. unforeseen consequence. unintended repercussion.

What does it mean if something is inevitable?

Definition of inevitable : incapable of being avoided or evaded an inevitable outcome.

What is another word for most unusual?

synonyms for most unusual

  • awesome.
  • bizarre.
  • curious.
  • noteworthy.
  • odd.
  • remarkable.
  • special.
  • unexpected.