What is a weasel for kids?

Weasels. Weasels, polecats, minks, and stoats have long, flexible bodies and short legs. They are carnivores (meat-eaters) and their shape is perfect for chasing prey along the ground and down burrows. They can kill animals much bigger than themselves.

What do weasels eat?

Eastern chipmunk

Where do weasels live?

Weasels live in a variety of habitats, such as open fields, woodlands, thickets, roadsides and farmlands. They typically thrive in environments abundant with small prey (like small rodents) and with an available source of water.

What do weasels eat and drink?

Diet. Weasels’ diets usually consist of rats, mice, voles and rabbits. Frogs, birds and bird eggs are also on the menu, from time to time. Their small, thin bodies allow them to squeeze into tight spots to reach small prey.

What are some fun facts about weasel?

Fun Facts about Weasels for Kids

  • Weasels are very small.
  • Weasels can kill prey that is much bigger than it, including rabbits and squirrels.
  • Weasels sometimes kill more food than they can eat.
  • Weasels raid chicken coops and eat eggs.
  • Weasels shed their winter fur in the summer for lighter fur.

Do weasels swim?

Mink vs Weasel: Swimming Abilities While both creatures are capable of swimming, weasels are not as adapted to it when compared to minks. The webbed feet found on a mink allows them to swim and dive great depths, often reaching over 100 feet deep!

How fast can a weasel run?

15 miles per hour
A Weasel can travel at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour.

Can weasels swim?

Weasels live in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, brush and fields. They also need drinking water nearby — but, unlike minks, weasels do not swim or seek prey in water, and their range is less extensive than the minks’.

Do weasels have bones?

Weasels have elongate heads, necks, and vertebral columns and short legs. Otherwise, their skeletons are generalized and typical of mammals. 33 in the tail (caudal). The tails of least and common weasels are short (11 to 16 vertebrae, <25% of body length; see Table 1.1), for several reasons.

What is a fun fact about weasels?

Fun Facts about Weasels for Kids Adult weasels are only about 7 inches long and weigh between 4 and 7 ounces. Weasels can kill prey that is much bigger than it, including rabbits and squirrels. Weasels sometimes kill more food than they can eat. Weasels raid chicken coops and eat eggs.

How many teeth do weasels have?

34 teeth
This means that weasels have three incisors, one canine, three premolars and one molar on each side of the upper jaw, and the same in the lower jaw except for an extra molar on each side. Most of the work is done by only 10 of the 34 teeth.