What is a WBM road?

WBM road means water bound macadam road. The wearing surface of WBM road consist of clean and crushed aggregates which are mechanically interlocked by rolling operation. The material is bound with filler material (which are also called as screenings) and water, laid on prepared base course.

What is the size of WBM?

Quantity of materials

Type Size range, mm Sieve size, mm
Coarse aggregate 63 to 45 mm 0.91 to 1.07
Stone screening type-B 11.2 mm 0.20 to 0.22 for base coarse 0.16 to 0.18 for surface course

What is full form of WBM in road construction?

WBM(Water Bound Macadam) conventional method and WMM(Wet Mix Macadam) modern technology- are base course layers for Pavement/Road design. In case of WBM stone aggregates and binders are overlaid on one another at the time of construction.

How is WBM road construction?

The full form of WBM is Water Bound Macadam. It is the layer of road constructed from broken stone aggregates bound together by stone dust or screening material and water applied during construction and compacted by a heavy smoothed wheel roller.

Which is better Wmm or WBM?

The WMM roads are said to be more durable. The WMM roads get dry fast and can be opened for traffic within less time as compared to the WBM roads, which take about one month for getting dry. WMM roads are soon-ready to be blacktopped with the Bituminous layers. WMM roads are constructed at a faster rate.

What is the minimum width of WBM road?

In general, for minor or ordinary roads, the thickness of a single compacted layer should be 75 mm and is sufficient. For major or special roads, two layers of 150 mm each compacted thickness may be provided.

What is difference between WMM and WBM?

Here are the differences between WMM (Wet Mix Macadam) and WBM (Water Bound Macadam) roads….Difference Between WMM and WBM Road.

WMM Road WBM Road
In WMM roads stone aggregates and binders are used. In WBM roads stone aggregates, screenings, and binder material (Stone dust with water) is used.

What are the uses and limitations of WBM roads?

These roads are only suitable for slow moving iron wheeled traffic such as tongas, bullock carts etc. Constant use of road by iron wheels, the road metal gets crushed. Considering these factors, it may be inferred that a W.B.M road survives only for a short time.

What is difference between WBM and GSB?

The GSB is granular sub base and WBM is water bound macadum. The GSB is used as sub base course and it also works as filter media,as it contains coarse sand and shingle. The. WBM is used as base course and it contains stone metal mixed with binding material.

What is GSB road?

Granular Sub-base (GSB) consists of laying and compacting well graded material on prepared sub-grade in accordance with the specifications.: GSB layer is intermediate layer in between Sub-grade and Wet mix macadam. GSB layer is laid in roads and higway works due to its properties .