What is a vulvar lesion?

Female genital sores are bumps and lesions in or around the vagina or vulva. These sores can extend from the genital area to the anus. Some may be itchy, painful, tender, or produce a discharge. And some may not cause any symptoms.

What are benign vulvar lesions?

Common benign tumors of the vulva include the Bartholin gland cyst or abscess, epidermoid inclusion cysts, and angiomas. Many benign vulvar tumors are asymptomatic and are found only on self-examination. Depending on the type of lesion, most do not require excisional treatment.

What is a perineal lesion?

Perianal lesions are those that can be completely visualized without buttock traction within a 5 cm radius of the anal opening. Skin lesions are those that fall outside the 5 cm radius of the anal opening.

What causes angiomyolipoma?

Renal angiomyolipoma is caused by a genetic mutation to the TSC1 or TSC2 gene (tumor suppressor genes). They are responsible for producing tuberin, a protein that helps control cells’ growth and size. When the TSC genes mutate or change, it affects the production of tuberin, and cells may grow out of control.

Are vulvar lesions normal?

Skin lesions are mainly typical of those found elsewhere on the body, and are found on the outer aspects of the vulva, the labia majora, extending to the groin. They include benign (harmless) and malignant (cancerous) tumours. They are often classified according to cell of origin. Viral infections may mimic lesions.

How are vulvar lesions treated?

Oral medications — Antiviral medications can prevent or shorten the length and severity of an existing genital herpes outbreak. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial or yeast infections. Surgery — For patients with a vulvar cancer, doctors will remove cancerous tissue with surgery.

Are most vulvar lesions benign?

Although most cases of vaginal lesions are benign, it’s important to follow up with your doctor.

What do vulvar lesions look like?

A vulvar tumor can look like anything that includes: White, pink, or a red-colored rough or thick lump or bump. Thickened skin. Lightened or darkened skin. Persisting open sore (lasts for more than one month)

What do perianal tumors look like?

Perianal adenomas are typically pink, hairless, slow-growing tumors located around the anus, prepuce, or under the tail. They are usually less than one inch in diameter and can become ulcerated (when skin breaks) or infected.

How serious is angiomyolipoma?

How serious is an angiomyolipoma? Many people with angiomyolipoma don’t know they have the condition. If the tumor grows larger than about 4 centimeters (about the size of a walnut), it could cause bleeding (hemorrhage). This bleeding can be life-threatening if it’s not treated.

What does a vulvar cyst look like?

Bartholin cysts will look like round bumps under the skin on the lips of your vagina (labia). They’re often painless. Some may become red, tender and swollen if an infection occurs. Other Bartholin cysts may look like they are filled with pus or fluid.