What is a Type 5 Cisco password?

Cisco type 5 password This password type was introduced around 1992 and it is essentially a 1,000 iteration of MD5 hash with salt. The salt is 4 characters long (32 bits). For modern computers this is not difficult enough and thus in many cases it can be successfully cracked.

How can I recover my Cisco router password without losing the configuration?

Reset Cisco Router Password Without Losing Configuration

  1. Step 1: Reload router.
  2. Step 2: Wait for 10 seconds of startup and send a break signal to terminal.
  3. Step 3: Now you are in rommon prompt.
  4. Step 4: At the prompt, type the following command confreg 0x2142 to skip the existing configuration on startup.

How do I reset my Cisco Rommon password?

Place the router in ROM Monitor (ROMMON) mode.

  1. Set the RP configuration register to 0x42 at the ROM.
  2. The configuration register is not an environment.
  3. The router password is recovered successfully.

What is a Type 8 password?

Type 8 passwords are hashed with the Password- Based Key Derivation Function version 2 (PBKDF2), SHA-256, an 80-bit salt, and 20,000 iterations, which makes it more secure in comparison to the previous password types. The passwords are stored as hashes within the configuration file.

What is secret cisco?

# enable secret – it will enables a password and password encryption that based on the md5 hashing algorithm. This is is a most recommended command to supply while enabling a password to any cisco network devices. -onin.

How do I find my Cisco username and password?

Cisco Router Login Guide The default username for your Cisco router is Cisco. The default password is Cisco. Enter the username & password, hit “Enter” and now you should see the control panel of your router.

What is Cisco Privilege Level 7?

With 16 possible levels, you can configure multiple levels of command access and users/passwords to access those levels. For example, with the ping command, we can set it to level 7 by typing in “privilege exec level 7 ping”. And the password to get to level 7 can be set by “enable password level 7password”.