What is a translational mechanical system?

Translational mechanical systems move along a straight line. These systems mainly consist of three basic elements. Those are mass, spring and dashpot or damper. If a force is applied to a translational mechanical system, then it is opposed by opposing forces due to mass, elasticity and friction of the system.

What are the three basic elements of translational mechanical systems?

There are three fundamental physical elements that make up translating mechanical system: inertia elements, springs and friction elements. The relationships between force and position (or its derivatives) for these elements are described below.

What is state space analysis?

State Space analysis (also known as state variable analysis) is a commonly used method nowadays for analyzing the control system. The analysis that involves providing a complete idea about the behavior of the system at any given time utilizing the history of the system is known as state-space analysis.

What are the variables of translational mechanical system?

The three basic characteristics of a mechanical translational system are mass, stiffness, and damping. Mass represents an element having inertia. Stiffness represents the restoring force action such as that of a spring. Damping, or viscous friction, represents a characteristic of an element that absorbs energy.

What is the difference between translational and rotational system?

Translational motion is the motion that involves moving an object in one or more of three dimensions: x, y or z. But an object can still be moving when it is sitting at a particular x-, y- and z-coordinate; It can still spin. Rotational motion is where an object rotates about an internal axis in a continuous manner.

What is the unit of measurement in a translational mechanical system?

3.1: Common Mechanical Units

Quantity \ Unit System International System SI (kg-m-s)
Force, translational action newton (N) = kg-m/s2
Translational stiffness constant, k N/m
Translational damping constant, c N/(m/s) = N-s/m
Angle, rotational motion radian (rad), which is dimensionless

How many analysis do we have to convert any mechanical translational system into electrical system?

There are two types of electrical analogies of translational mechanical systems. Those are force voltage analogy and force current analogy.

What are advantages of state space analysis?

Advantages of State Space Techniques This technique can be used for linear or nonlinear, time-variant or time-invariant systems. It is easier to apply where Laplace transform cannot be applied. The nth order differential equation can be expressed as ‘n’ equation of first order. It is a time domain method.

Why is the state space model used?

Definition of State-Space Models State variables x(t) can be reconstructed from the measured input-output data, but are not themselves measured during an experiment. The state-space model structure is a good choice for quick estimation because it requires you to specify only one input, the model order, n .

What is the difference between linear and translational motion?

Answer. Explanation: Linear motion (or rectilinear motion) means moving in a straight line. Translatory motion or translational motion occurs when all points in a body move the same distance in the same amount of time.

What is displacement unit?

Displacement (symbolized d or s ), also called length or distance, is a one-dimensional quantity representing the separation between two defined points. The standard unit of displacement in the International System of Units ( SI ) is the meter (m).

Is there a system for translating mechanical systems?

While the previous page (System Elements) introduced the fundamental elements of translating mechanical systems, as well as their mathematical models, no actual systems were discussed. This page discusses how the system elements can be included in larger systems, and how a system model can be developed.

What are equations of motion for translating mechanical systems?

Equations of motion for translating mechanical system depend on the application of D’Alembert’s law. Using this principle we say that the sum of force on an object is equal to zero,

What are the principles of mechanical analysis?

Analysis of mechanical systems is based on the principles embodied in Newton s laws of motion and the principle of compatibility (no gaps between connected elements).