What is a testimony of conversion?

A testimony is spiritual knowledge of truth obtained by the power of the Holy Ghost. Continuing conversion is constant devotion to the revealed truth we have received—with a heart that is willing and for righteous reasons. Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony.

How can I become fully converted to the Lord?

To become more fully converted to Jesus Christ, we must trust Him and obey His commandments—even when difficult challenges test our conversion. In 1837, some members of the Church, including some members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, lost their testimonies and turned against the Prophet Joseph Smith.

How do you know you are converted?

When you are converted, you are more kind and compassionate in dealing with others. You don’t judge or criticize or gossip. You are more aware of others’ feelings, and it becomes natural to look for ways to serve and help.

What is true conversion according to the Bible?

So the first characteristic of true conversion is that becoming a Christian brings change. The believer is transformed in his thinking, his emotions, and his will. Furthermore, he has a change of masters. The believer obeys Christ rather Page 9 than sin.

What is testimony in the Bible?

A testimony is the spirit of prophecy (see Rev. 19:10). It is a personal revelation from God, revealing the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A testimony comes through the Holy Ghost; it makes a deep and lasting impression on the soul.

Is baptism necessary for conversion?

Some Evangelical Christians, like Baptist, and Pentecostals, do not believe baptism is necessary for salvation and conversion, but only that a profession of faith is enough. Christians also differ on how old someone must be to convert.

How can I access the powers of heaven in my life?

How Can I Access “the Powers of Heaven” in My Life? Doctrine and Covenants 121–123….Plan ways to act on what you discuss.

  1. Live the gospel.
  2. Care for those in need.
  3. Invite all to receive the gospel.
  4. Unite families for eternity.

Why conversion is a life long process?

Conversion is a lifelong process of becoming more Christlike through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It includes a change not only in our behavior but in our desires, our attitudes, and our very natures.

What is the importance of true conversion?

This cycle of faith, repentance, and consistent obedience will lead you to greater conversion with its attendant blessings. True conversion will strengthen your capacity to do what you know you should do, when you should do it, regardless of the circumstances.

What is the fruit of conversion?

It is insufficient to just hear the word of God in gatherings such as this conference, said Elder W. Mack Lawrence of the Seventy. “In order to have God’s word impact our lives – to receive the promised blessings – we must follow it.”

How do I start my testimony?

Present only one main thought. Prepare an interesting, attention‐getting opening statement and close with a good conclusion. Communicate relevant information in such a way that others feel associated with you in past and present experiences. Be honest and real.