What is a synonym for upbraid?
What is a synonym for upbraid?
Some common synonyms of upbraid are berate, rail, revile, scold, and vituperate. While all these words mean “to reproach angrily and abusively,” upbraid implies censuring on definite and usually justifiable grounds.
What does it mean to upbraid something?
to criticize severely
Definition of upbraid transitive verb. 1 : to criticize severely : find fault with. 2 : to reproach severely : scold vehemently.
What is another word for weaned?
In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wean, like: detach, suckle, ablactate, reconcile to, bring up, weaning, stop suckling, unaccustom, remove, break of and giving-birth.
Where does the term upbraid come from?
The word upbraid comes from the Old English word upbregdan, which literally means “bring up quickly.” Although this word doesn’t have anything to do with hair, upbraid and braid are, in fact, related.
How do you use upbraid in a sentence?
Upbraid in a Sentence ?
- Without a doubt, my parents are going to upbraid me for not passing any of my classes this semester.
- Jim will often upbraid his wife for spending too much money at the mall.
How do you use purloin in a sentence?
Purloin in a Sentence ?
- Because Eddie tried to purloin the woman’s purse, he spent the night in jail.
- Jill was shocked when her best friend tried to purloin her favorite necklace.
- During the raid, a crooked police officer was caught trying to purloin drug money.
What is purloin and example?
You can use the verb purloin to mean “steal” or “take,” especially if it’s done in a sneaky way. If you sneak a dollar out of your mom’s purse, you purloin it. Kids might purloin apples from a neighbor’s tree, and a crooked cashier might purloin cash from her boss’s convenience store.
What does weaned child mean?
nical term for a weaned child, or it may mean ‘babies,’ which have just been. taken from the breast, having been nourished and satisfied by the milk, cf.
What does it mean to wean off?
Definition of wean from/off : to make (someone or something) stop doing or using (something) efforts to wean the country from its dependence on foreign oil I’m gradually weaning myself off cigarettes.
What age is dotage?
(ˈdəʊtɪdʒ ) noun. 1. a period of decreased mental functioning, esp as a result of old age. 2.
What does it mean to Upbraideth not?
verb (used with object) to find fault with or reproach severely; censure: The military tribunal upbraided the soldier for his cowardice. (of things) to bring reproach on; serve as a reproach to. verb (used without object)