What is a synonym and antonym for infer?
What is a synonym and antonym for infer?
Some common synonyms of infer are conclude, deduce, gather, and judge. While all these words mean “to arrive at a mental conclusion,” infer implies arriving at a conclusion by reasoning from evidence; if the evidence is slight, the term comes close to surmise.
What is synonyms for infer?
synonyms for infer
- ascertain.
- assume.
- construe.
- deduce.
- derive.
- figure out.
- glean.
- guess.
What’s a antonym for infer?
Antonyms. malfunction distrust mistrust reject doubt discredit suspect. reason reason out universalize overgeneralize extrapolate.
What is an example of the word infer?
1 : to arrive at as a conclusion based on known facts I inferred he was sick from his cough. 2 : guess entry 1 sense 1 From the look on her face, I inferred she was lying.
Are imply and infer synonyms?
Both verbs have to do with the communication of information. The difference between the two is that imply refers to giving information, while infer refers to receiving information. Imply means to strongly suggest the truth or existence of something that is not expressly stated.
What is a good sentence for infer?
1 What do you infer from her refusal? 2 It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence. 3 He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.
What it means to be synonym?
1 : one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. 2a : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (such as a concept or quality) a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppression. b : metonym.
What is the synonym word?
: a word having the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language. synonym. noun.
What do infer topic mean?
If you are going to infer the topic, what does that mean?” (When we make an inference, we make a good guess based on the evidence we have seen. Inferring the topic means making a good guess about the topic based on the content of the resources students will look at.)
What is the difference between infer and inference?
infer verb: To draw a conclusion or inference; to reason from one thing to another. inference noun: something that is inferred. inferential adjective: of or pertaining to inference; involving or depending on inference; of the nature of inference.
How do you remember the difference between imply and infer?
How to Remember the Difference. It can be challenging to keep similar words straight. Try this trick with “imply” and “infer”: Look at the words alphabetically. “Imply” comes before “infer.” The coded message that someone implies needs to come first, before the receiver can decode it and infer its meaning.
How do you infer meaning while speaking?
When you infer something, you read between the lines. To infer is to make a well informed guess — if you see your mom’s bag on the table, you might infer that she’s home. When you infer, you listen closely to someone and guess at things they mean but haven’t actually said.