What is a strident tone?

Definition of strident : characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound a strident voice also : commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality strident slogans.

What is an example of strident?

The definition of strident is something loud, harsh-sounding or shrill. An example of strident is the sound of an angry mob.

What is strident statements?

adj. 1. harsh in sound; grating: strident voices. 2. having an obtrusive, insistent character: strident opinions.

How do you use strident in a sentence?

Strident sentence example

  1. Its strident voice is heard most loudly at times of great heat, when the song of the birds is hushed.
  2. This kind of strident and violent language was one of the ingredients which was eventually, to marry Italian futurism with Fascism.
  3. Is the tone bored, strident or too high-pitched, perhaps?

What does rankled mean in English?

cause anger, irritation
1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness. 2 : to feel anger and irritation. transitive verb. : to cause irritation or bitterness in. Synonyms The Connection Between Rankle and Dragon Example Sentences Learn More About rankle.

What part of speech is the word strident?

STRIDENT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is Stridence a word?

Forcefully assertive or severely critical: strident rhetoric. [Latin strīdēns, strīdent-, present participle of strīdēre, to make harsh sounds, ultimately of imitative origin.] stri′dence, stri′den·cy n.

How do you use wry in a sentence?

Adjective His books are noted for their wry humor. When I asked her how she felt after winning the race, she gave me a wry smile and said, “Pretty tired.”

How do you use rankled?

Rankled sentence example Kris’s confident response rankled Rhyn. He leaned his back against a tree and faced his eldest surviving brother. “I promised Kiki I’d tell you something,” he started.

What is another word for rankle?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rankle, like: annoy, fret, rile, gall, irritate, embitter, chafe, hurt, nettle, mortify and inflame.