What is a steering damper on a Jeep?

Steering stabilizers are similar to the shock absorbers (or struts) on your Jeep. While those dampen the suspension, the steering stabilizer dampens the steering on the front end of your Jeep.

When should I upgrade my steering damper?

These problems are multiplied when you add bigger tyres and lifts which alter the factory steering geometry. So a steering damper upgrade is vital to most lift kits which may now require more force to resist road or trail impacts.

Why does my Jeep Grand Cherokee steering wheel shake?

Common reasons for this to happen: The wheels are out of balance or loose. Both loose lugs nut or unbalanced wheels can cause the steering wheel to vibrate, usually becoming noticeable at a certain speed. The shaky steering will typically not be noticeable 5 mph below that speed or 5 mph above that speed.

Do all vehicles have a steering damper?

Steering dampers are used in off-road vehicles of all kinds, be it SUVs, pickups, and off-trail vehicles. It finds its way into many four-wheel-drive cars, especially if they come fitted with larger tires. Mostly, when it comes to four-wheelers, steering dampers come factory installed.

Do all Jeeps have steering stabilizer?

Since the dawn of CJ vehicles, Jeeps have arrived from the factory with a steering stabilizer. And while this product is not one of the most important parts around, it can often be one of the more misunderstood.

How much does it cost to replace a steering damper?

between $200 and $300 dollars
Replacing a defective steering damper is important, and ensures your vehicle handles properly—a replacement will likely cost you somewhere between $200 and $300 dollars, depending on the type of car. Proper steering is key to preventing accidents on the road.

How long does a steering damper last?

50,000 – 100,000 miles
Steering dampers last about as long as normal shock absorbers or struts, and perhaps a little longer. There is no specific mileage or age for changing out the steering damper, but 50,000 – 100,000 miles would be a considerably accurate service life.