What is a Sonohysterogram procedure?
What is a Sonohysterogram procedure?
Sonohysterography is a procedure to look at the inside of the uterus. It’s a safe, painless test that uses sound waves and a computer to create images. It does not use radiation. The uterus (womb) is the organ where a baby grows during pregnancy. The bottom of the uterus is called the cervix.
How painful is a Sonohysterogram?
A sonohysterogram is an imaging procedure that allows your healthcare provider to see inside your uterus. It’s simple, safe and relatively painless. And it can help shed light on what’s causing issues like pelvic pain, irregular bleeding and infertility.
What should I expect after a Sonohysterogram?
You may experience light bleeding and/or cramping for a few days after the procedure. You may take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever such as Motrin or Advil for cramping. You may also leak salt water for a day or two. You may wear a pad.
How long does a vaginal ultrasound take?
There are virtually no risks associated with a transvaginal ultrasound, although you might experience some discomfort. The entire test takes about 30 to 60 minutes, and the results are typically ready in about 24 hours. If your doctor is unable to get a clear picture, you might be called back to repeat the test.
Is SIS test painful?
Unfortunately, SIS may cause pain and discomfort depending on the technique and methods of anesthesia. Grasping the cervix with a tenaculum, movement of cannulas in the uterus, and distention of the uterine cavity with saline may cause pain in the procedure.
Does a saline infusion Sonohysterography hurt?
The procedure itself goes quickly and usually doesn’t hurt, says Dr. Goje. A SIS is similar to the transvaginal ultrasound that’s often performed, but with one added step: Sterile fluid is used to gently expand and hold the walls of your uterus apart.
Do you need a full bladder for a Sonohysterogram?
You do not need to have a full bladder. A scan through the abdomen may be performed initially, and you will then be sent to the bathroom to completely empty your bladder and put on a gown.
Do I need a full bladder for a saline sonogram?
Do I need to shave for a pelvic ultrasound?
Preparing for Your Routine GYN Ultrasound You may empty your bladder and leave a urine specimen prior to your appointment. Usually, the ultrasound is performed vaginally, it is not necessary to shave.
How do I prepare for my sis ultrasound?
No special preparation is required. The scan is best done as your period finishes, day 5–9 of your menstrual cycle. So, it is best to arrange your appointment according to your period dates. You will be asked to go to the toilet and empty your bladder before the scan.
How much does a SIS ultrasound cost?
A sonohysterogram typically costs between $500 and $700. If the test is combined with other procedures, the cost will be more. Your insurance may or may not cover the test.