What is a snitches get stitches mean?

(idiomatic) People who snitch or tattle will in return receive repercussions. synonyms ▲ Synonyms: (rare) snitches get stitches and end up in ditches, (rare) snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches.

What comes after snitches get stitches?

People who inform to police or tattle to authority figures will be the targets of retaliatory violence. You’d better just go ahead and forget what you saw, Tom. Remember, snitches get stitches and end up in ditches.

What movie has snitches get stitches?

A few hundred years ago we had gladiators, now we have the cinema, and it looks like 2017 is the year we get to see our favorite actors beat each other up.

What words rhyme with snitches?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
witches 100 Noun
stitches 100 Noun
ditches 100 Noun
itches 100 Verb, Noun

Where do snitches end up?

what I can tell fans is that, ‘Snitches end up with stitches in ditches,'” Bettany said. “And I, I’ve done very well keeping my mouth shut for the last 10 years, and I’m going to continue to keep my mouth shut.”

Who said snitches end up in ditches?

There were a lot of memorable moments from the stars of Avengers: Infinity War when they did press for the film this spring, but one of the stand outs was star Paul Bettany’s use of the phrase “snitches end up in ditches”.

What’s another word for snitching?

What is another word for snitch?

betrayer canary
fink informant
informer nark
rat snitcher
squealer stoolie

What words rhyme with up?

syllable: bub, club, cub, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub.

  • syllables: brewpub, glee club, golf club, subshrub, wolf cub, yacht club.
  • syllables: country club, supper club, ticket stub, tiger cub, undershrub.
  • syllables:
  • Who first said snitches get stitches?

    Snitches Get Stitches Origin The saying became popular in the nineties, thanks to the rise of hip-hop culture in society. However, no one really knows when the phrase appeared or who coined the saying.

    Where do snitches end up Avengers?

    What is a slang word for snitch?

    betrayer, blabbermouth, canary, double-crosser, fink, informant, narc, nark, rat, sneak, snitcher, source, squealer, stoolie, tattler, tattletale, tipster, turncoat, weasel, whistle-blower.

    What is the British word for snitch?

    Supergrass is a British slang term for an informant who turns Queen’s evidence, often in return for protection and immunity from prosecution.