What is a reg 31 form?


How do I get a VIN inspection in California?

VIN verifications performed by the DMV or CHP are free. Private VIN verifiers will charge you a fee for the inspection; in addition, they will charge you a fee for traveling….The following can perform a VIN verification:

  1. CHP officers or law enforcement.
  2. DMV employees.
  3. AAA employees.
  4. Licensed private VIN verifiers.

What is required for California Vehicle Inspection?

California Vehicle Inspection Requirements

  • Fluid levels.
  • Any potential leaks.
  • Mechanical integrity.
  • Carbon emissions.

How do I get a CHP inspection certificate?

Verification of Vehicle (REG 31) or CHP Certificate of Inspection (CHP 97C) form authorized by a DMV employee or the California Highway Patrol (CHP). If you need to get a California Highway Patrol inspection for your vehicle, contact CHP to make an appointment by calling 1-800-835-5247.

Who can fill out Reg 31 form?

So you should never actually have to fill out this from yourself, it should always be filled out by a DMV employee, California licensed vehicle verifier, authorized auto club employee, or peace officer. Click this to download the Verification Of Vehicle Form (REG 31)!

What is a VIN inspection in California?

The VIN Verification process consists of a physical inspection of the vehicle along with the accompanying documents used for vehicle registration. Additionally, the emissions label of the vehicle will be checked for compliance with California emissions standards. The following emissions labels will be checked.

Can CHP do VIN verification?

The CHP is authorized to place a new VIN on the unit, (blue tagging). To see the CHP, you must be referred to them by the DMV. You cannot drive up to a CHP and get a VIN verification on the spot, for the most part.

Why would a car need to be inspected?

Getting a vehicle inspection can save you money by ensuring that your vehicle’s components are working effectively. This will help to prevent huge issues with expensive components of your vehicle and help to keep your vehicle on the road longer.

Does California inspection out-of-state vehicles?

A smog check is mandatory for all out-of-state vehicles, whether your previous state required emissions inspections or not. Out-of-state vehicles also must undergo a VIN inspection upon registration.