What is a record book in 4h?

A record book is the record of what youth did and learned in the project and documents goals, knowledge and skills gained, leadership experiences, awards earned, and service to the community.

How do you keep a 4h record book?

The cover of your record book should include your name, club name, and calendar year. The appearance should be neat, clean, and professional. Write down events and activities that you are involved in. Include 4-H meetings and 4-H activities that you attend.

What is a 4-H project book?

About 4-H Record Books The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. The focus reflects the importance of this life skill in our daily lives. Completing a 4-H Record Book is a process where you record project and club work using a standard format.

What is record book?

Britannica Dictionary definition of RECORD BOOK. [count] : a book that has records of the best or most remarkable performances or achievements in a particular sport or activity — usually used figuratively. His long jump earned him a place in the record book.

What makes a record official?

“Official records” are: records having the legally recognized and judicially enforceable quality of establishing some fact, policy, or institutional position or decision.

Will be one for the record books?

one for the (record) book(s) A remarkable, unusual, and unexpected event, occurrence, or piece of news.

What is project record book?

What is a Record Book? ● A written record of a 4-H member’s project completed by the youth only. ● A way of recording a 4-H member’s growth through learning and experience.

How do I start a 4h club in California?

To be eligible for a Charter, the following must be provided to the County 4-H Office:

  1. Firm commitments from at least 5 youth from three different families.
  2. Firm commitments from at least two current 4-H volunteers – OR – two adults who are willing to become certified 4-H volunteers before the first club meeting.

What is a record example?

As an example, an A Record is used to point a logical domain name, such as “google.com”, to the IP address of Google’s hosting server, “74.125. 224.147”. These records point traffic from example.com (indicated by @) and ftp.example.com to the IP address 66.147. 224.236.