What is a raked brick joint?

Older brick and mortar walls commonly had raked joints, which are flat mortar joints slightly recessed from the front edge of the brick. Modern masonry joints often bring the mortar flush with the front edge to do a better job of sealing out moisture.

What is a raked joint used for?

Raked joint This creates more shadow between the joint and the brick and gives a very well-cared-for appearance. Can be done smooth or brushed.

Why is raking joints necessary?

In raked joints, the mortar is not compact against the surfaces of the joint. Instead, the front portion of the mortar joint is scraped out. Raking the mortar out can open up voids in the head and bed joints that increase water penetration.

What is raked mortar?

Raked mortar joints. Raked mortar joints create an ever-changing shadow line that evokes contrast and interest in your brickwork. They are best suited to textures like sandstock and rolled bricks, and are not to be used on bricks that have a matte or glazed finish.

What is a rake masonry?

[′rākt ′jȯint] (civil engineering) A mortar, or masonry, joint from which the mortar has been scraped out to about ¾ inch (20 millimeters).

What is racking in brickwork?

The stepping back of courses of brick during the construction phase of a wall, usually in expectation of the wall’s completion at a later date.

What does it mean by racking of joints?

raked joint. A joint made by removing the surface of mortar, while it is still soft, with a square-edged tool; is difficult to make watertight; produces marked shadows and tends to darken the overall appearance of a wall.

What is racking back in brickwork?

racking back (raking back) The stepping of bricks at the ends of the wall to be laid/constructed. The *bricklayer uses the stepped bricks as a guide for level and line to complete the wall…. …

Are mortar rakes any good?

The mortar rake is best suited to softer mortars. It is superior where you need to preserve uneven joints and is the only viable solution on irregular joints such as stonework. The mortar rake is also a safer option for brick perps.

What is a raking bond?

noun. a brickwork bond in which concealed courses of diagonally laid bricks are used to bond exposed brickwork to the wall structure.