What is a questioned document PDF?

Questioned Document − A document, usually related to matters involving criminal or civil litigation, in which the originality, authenticity or background is disputed. Request Exemplars or Requested Known Specimens/Standards − Writing specimens created by an individual at the request of an investigator.

What is questioned document PPT?

A questioned document is one in which a document in its entirety, or in part, is subject to question as to authenticity and/or origin. • Any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or other marks whose source or authenticity is in dispute or is doubtful.

How documents become questioned documents?

A document becomes questioned when some aspect of its authorship, origin or authenticity is unknown, and needs to be determined. A questioned document may also contain a wealth of unseen evidence that can be detected using a range of complementary analyses techniques and specialised equipment.

What is the purpose of questioned document examination?

Questioned document examination (QDE) is a forensic science discipline pertaining to documents that are potentially disputed in a court of law. The examination’s primary purpose is to provide evidence about suspicious or questioned documents using a variety of scientific principles and methods.

What is the importance of questioned document examination?

The purposes of questioned document examination are many. Such examinations can help determine the authenticity of a document, the source of the forgery (if present), if a crime was committed – as well as what kind of crime – and much more.

What are the two divisions of the questioned document examination?

Handwritings & Signatures – To examine/compare with standard (admitted & specimen) writings. Latent Writing on Documents – To detect and decipher.

What is the importance of questioned document?

Its primary purpose is to provide evidence about a suspicious or questionable document using scientific processes and methods. Evidence might include alterations, the chain of possession, damage to the document, forgery, origin, authenticity, or other questions that come up when a document is challenged in court.

What are 4 main things for which documents can be examined?

Documents can be examined for evidence of alterations, obliterations, erasures and page substitutions.

Who is the father of questioned document?

Albert S. Osborn
Questioned Documents was published in 1910, and a second edition in 1929. The author, Albert S. Osborn, is called the Father of Questioned Documents. He brought a scientific approach to forensic examination of questioned documents.

What are the principles of questioned document examination?

Forensic examination and comparison of handwriting, which includes hand printing and signatures, is based on three main principles: (1) Given a sufficient amount of handwriting, no two skilled writers exhibit identical handwriting features; (2) every person has a range of natural variation to his or her writing; (3) no …