What is a purple spotted gudgeon?

The Southern Purple-spotted Gudgeon is an attractive purplish-brown to yellowish-brown small fish; that has a rounded head and a small mouth. The back can be iridescent with darker blotches of blue towards the slightly rounded tail. Adults can grow to 120 mm (maximum size is about 152 mm).

Are purple spotted gudgeon endangered?

Mogurnda adspersa (commonly known as the southern purple-spotted gudgeon) is a species of endangered gudgeon that is endemic to south-eastern mainland Australia (the states of South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.

What eats purple spotted gudgeon?

The Southern purple-spotted gudgeon is a slow-moving ambush predator, consuming small fish and aquatic macroinvertebrates and also worms and tadpoles. It is a benthic species, usually associated with good cover such as cobble and rocks in the Queensland parts of its range, or aquatic vegetation in its southern range.

How big does a purple spotted goby get?

Size: Up to 15cm/6″, but usually a bit smaller in the aquarium. Habitat: Found in slow-moving rivers and still backwaters and creeks, usually among fallen branches, aquatic plants and rocks.

Is gudgeon a snakehead?

Giuris margaritacea, the snakehead gudgeon, Aporos sleeper, or ornate sleeper, is a species of fish in the family Eleotridae found in marine, brackish, and fresh waters from Madagascar to Melanesia….

Giuris margaritacea
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gobiiformes
Family: Eleotridae

What fish are native to Australia?

Australian native fish represent a large and diverse group and offer a ‘local’ feel to aquariums that are often dominated by fish from other continents. Popular native fish include Rainbows, Archer Fish, Barramundi, Perch, Murray Cod, Saratogas and Tandanus Catfish.

How do you catch gudgeon?

Use a size 16 or 18 hook with a 2-2.5 lb hook length and a single maggot on the hook. Swims which have slower zones just off the main flow are great spots to catch gudgeon, they also really like back eddies where the current swirls back on itself and allows the float to cycle around with the current.

What do purple spot gudgeon eat?

The southern purple-spotted gudgeon is carnivorous and will eat anything it can catch including aquatic macroinvertebrates (such as insect larvae), glass shrimp, small fish, tadpoles and small yabbies.

How big do Peacock Gudgeons get?

The peacock gudgeon or peacock goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) is a tropical freshwater species of fish in the family Eleotridae that is endemic to the eastern part of Papua New Guinea. It can be found in schools hovering over the substrate in rivers and ponds. This species can reach a length of 7.5 cm (3.0 in).

Are snakeheads illegal in the US?

Live specimens have been confiscated by authorities in Alabama, California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Washington where possession of live snakeheads is illegal. Some snakeheads living in natural waters of the U.S. may have been released by aquarium hobbyists or those hoping to establish a local food resource.

How big do rainbow snakeheads get?

The rainbow snakehead (Channa bleheri) is a brightly coloured, dwarf species of snakehead with a maximum adult size of 16-18cm. The family it belongs to, Channidae, contains approximately 50 species, with more discovered all the time! They span across Asia and a smaller group, Parachanna, are found in Africa.

What is the rarest fish in Australia?

Red Handfish (Thymichthys politus) are found only off south east Tasmania and until last week only one remaining population of around 20-40 individuals had been identified.