What is a polymer journal?

Polymer is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and significant advances in Polymer Physics, Chemistry and Technology. We welcome submissions on polymer hybrids, nanocomposites, characterisation and self-assembly.

Is polymer a peer reviewed journal?

Polymers is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of polymer science published semimonthly online by MDPI.

What is the progress of polymer technology?

The recent developments of Polymer Technology have revolutionized the field of material science increasing the use of polymer based substances from building materials to Packing materials, Fancy decoration articles, Electrical engineering, Communications, Automobile, Aircrafts, etc.

What are polymers article?

polymer A substance made from long chains of repeating groups of atoms. Manufactured polymers include nylon, polyvinyl chloride (better known as PVC) and many types of plastics. Natural polymers include rubber, silk and cellulose (found in plants and used to make paper, for example).

What does polymer company do?

Polymer industry manufactures and researches natural and synthetic polymers such as plastics, elastomers and some of the adhesives. Polymer research is a subfield of material science that encompasses the fields of chemistry, physics and engineering.

What are the current advantages of polymer Technology?

Low thermal and electrical conductivity, high corrosion resistance, and very good strength to weight ratio make polymers are very attractive materials for such engineering applications. Polymers are generally used in composite materials. Transparent and translucent plastics or polymers can be produced.

Is polymer an advanced material?

The advanced polymer composite essentially consists of two component materials: (i) the matrix material or polymer, which is generally the low-strength and low-modulus component and (ii) the fibre, which is the relatively high-strength and high-modulus component.

What is the main problem with polymers?

Most polymers, including poly(ethene) and poly(propene) are not biodegradable . This means that microorganisms cannot break them down, so they: cause a litter problem if disposed of carelessly. last for many years in landfill sites.

What is the most important polymer in the world?

polymerized olefins
By far the most important industrial polymers (for example, virtually all the commodity plastics) are polymerized olefins. Olefins are hydrocarbons (compounds containing hydrogen [H] and carbon [C]) whose molecules contain a pair of carbon atoms linked together by a double bond.

What industry is polymers?

The plastics industry manufactures polymer materials—commonly called plastics—and offers services in plastics important to a range of industries, including packaging, building and construction, electronics, aerospace, and transportation. It is part of the chemical industry.
