What is a poly cap on a Tamiya model?

A poly-cap is a small bushing used to create smooth joints, or to keep something in place without glue in scale-models. They are usually found on well-engineered kits such as those by Tamiya and Bandai who have employed them for a long time.

Can you paint poly caps?

You can’t paint polycaps. The material doesn’t allow paint (or primer) to bond with it and the paint will eventually chip off. you can use polyacrylic primers and it’ll stick, but really loosely.

Does Tamiya cement work on Polycaps?

No it will not stick. I suggest using epoxy glue for strength and CA glue for a temporary bond and build putty or styrene to seal in the polycap in. I’d use superglue instead. Not sure how plastic cement will work there.

What are Polycaps made of?

Gunpla plastic is usually PS (polystyrene) whereas polycaps are PE (polyethylene). PE is one of the most common plastics in the world, the same stuff plastic bags are made of. It’s cheap, but in most cases nearly impervious to property changes over the course of years.

How do you fix Polycaps?

Apply a small amount of super glue on the crack. Press on the polycap to close the crack. Then wrap the shrink wrap strip around the polycap. Its okay if your first wrap is not tight.

What are poly caps made of?

What are Gundam Polycaps made of?

They tend to have a ton of polycaps, too. Yes they are made out of rubber.

How do you fix a broken polycap?


  1. Cut a strip of the shrink wrap. I used the whole width of the wrap (12 inches)
  2. Apply a small amount of super glue on the crack. (This will not bind the rubber but when it hardens, it will help a bit)
  3. Press on the polycap to close the crack.
  4. Its okay if your first wrap is not tight.

What do you do with broken Gunpla?

Here’s what to do when your gunpla is a little worse for wear:

  1. 1) Assess the damage. Are one or two parts askew, or did its arm become your puppy’s latest chew toy?
  2. 2) Fix small breaks with superglue.
  3. 3) If it’s really bad, buy a replacement kit.
  4. 4) Alternatively, disguise it as battle damage.