What is a parasite Operculum?
What is a parasite Operculum?
Operculum = Egg cap from which larvae emerge from the egg. A term specific for trematode ova. Bipolar Plugs = Thick caps found at the opposite ends of an egg. Usually a term specific for Trichurid and Capillarid nematodes.
Which helminth eggs have a Operculum?
Eggs with an operculum: trematodes.
What is Operculum egg?
The operculum is an empty cavity. The chitinous fibers of the egg-shell in this area are diffuse and loose, with numerous micropores or spaces. The egg-shell in this area therefore appears to form a fine tubular network. The oocyte is an undifferentiated cell with a biconcave drum-like shape.
How do you identify trematode eggs?
The eggs are oval and yellowish-brown, measuring around 130-150 µm long by 60-90 µm wide. Stool concentration techniques facilitate detection of these trematode eggs.
Where is the operculum?
The operculum is the cortical structure which forms the lid over the insular cortex, overlapping it and covering it from external view. More specifically it consists of the cortical areas adjacent to the insular lobe and its surrounding circular sulcus.
What does Operculated mean?
o·per·cu·lat·ed Provided with a lid (operculum); denoting members of the mollusk class Gastropoda (snails), subclass Prosobranchiata (operculate snails), and the eggs of certain parasitic worms such as the digenetic trematodes (except the schistosomes) and the broad fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium latum.
What are Operculated eggs?
What is Gonotyl sucker?
Medical Definition of gonotyl : a sucker surrounding the genital opening of some trematode worms.
What is the Coracidium?
Medical Definition of coracidium : the oncosphere of a tapeworm at about the time of hatching while still surrounded by the embryophore.
What animals have a operculum?
An operculum (fish), a flap that covers the gills in bony fishes and chimaeras. The cover that rapidly opens a cnida of a cnidarian such as a jellyfish or a sea anemone.