What is a page 13 in the Navy?

ago. Additional comment actions. All a page 13 does is acknowledge that you have been told something or you understand something.

What is the purpose of a Navpers 1070 613?

The electronic service record (ESR) administrative remarks section and the NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks filed in the official military personnel file (OMPF) are used to provide a chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries, which are not provided elsewhere, or to provide more detailed …

Where can I find Navpers forms?

Navy Personnel Command Forms. Provides an on-line reference library of Navy personnel command forms (NAVPERS and NAVPERSCOM). On the BUPERS/NAVPERSCOM official forms web page, you will find links to many federal government and Navy related forms used today including DD-214 and military personnel record requests.

What is a Navpers 1070 887 form issued to a sailor who was awarded nonjudicial punishment?

a. NAVPERS 1070/887 Sex Offense Accountability Record is a form to be used to document sex-related offenses in a Service member’s official military personnel file (OMPF) per reference (a).

What is a Navy 1306?

Background. NAVPERS 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request was devised and automated to provide a standard Navy-wide format for authorized command representatives to assist Sailors in the submission of requests to cognizant enlisted detailers.

What is a Navpers 1070?

a. NAVPERS 1070/615 Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Navy Reserve is prepared for the honorable discharge of an enlisted member on inactive duty by reason of expiration of enlistment or expiration of obligated service.

What form is a 1070 613?

What Is NAVPERS Form 1070/613? This is a legal form that was released by the U.S. Department of the Navy – Navy Personnel Command on August 1, 2012 and used country-wide. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.

What maximum number of barrettes is a female authorized to wear?

A maximum of two small barrettes, similar to hair color, may be used to secure the hair to the head. Bun accessories (used to form the bun), are authorized if completely concealed. Additional hairpins, bobby pins, small rubber bands, or small thin fabric elastic bands may be used to hold hair in place, if necessary.

When wearing your uniform cover at a crowded gathering when if ever should you salute an officer?

At crowded gatherings or in congested areas, you normally salute only when addressing or being addressed by officers.

What is a Page 4 Navy?

If you look on the right side of your service there should be a NAVPERS 1670/604 (Page 4), which consists of 4 pages or 2 pages back to back depending on the way it’s copy. The first page consist of what courses you done outside of the Navy and outside of your rate.