What is a non seminoma?
What is a non seminoma?
Listen to pronunciation. (NON-seh-mih-NOH-muh) A type of cancer that begins in cells that form sperm or eggs. There are several types of nonseminoma tumors, including embryonal carcinoma, malignant teratoma, choriocarcinoma, and yolk sac tumor.
Which is worse seminoma or nonseminoma?
Nonseminoma: This more common type of testicular cancer tends to grow more quickly than seminomas.
Are all testicular tumors cancerous?
Most testicular lumps are benign. Understand that lumps may be caused by other conditions: Often, testicular lumps are caused by something other than testicular cancer. Sometimes, an infection may cause swelling and tenderness.
What does seminoma mean?
(SEH-mih-NOH-muh) A type of cancer that begins in germ cells in males. Germ cells are cells that form sperm in males or eggs in females. Seminomas occur most often in the testicle, but they may also occur in other areas of the body, such as the brain, chest, or abdomen. Seminomas tend to grow and spread slowly.
How do you treat a seminoma?
Treatment of seminoma may include the following:
- Surgery to remove the testicle, followed by surveillance.
- For patients who want active treatment rather than surveillance, treatment may include: Surgery to remove the testicle, followed by chemotherapy.
Why is it called seminoma?
A type of cancer that begins in germ cells in males. Germ cells are cells that form sperm in males or eggs in females. Seminomas occur most often in the testicle, but they may also occur in other areas of the body, such as the brain, chest, or abdomen.
Is non-seminoma curable?
Stage I non-seminomas Nearly all of these cancers can be cured, but the treatment is different from that of seminomas. As with seminomas, the initial treatment is surgery to remove the testicle and tumor (called radical inguinal orchiectomy). The other treatment choices will depend on the stage.
What percent of testicular tumors are benign?
In a number of studies, upwards of 80 percent of nonpalpable, asymptomatic masses that are 2 cm or smaller will be benign tumors. Benign lesions may include testicular cysts, small infarcts or small Leydig cell or Sertoli cell tumors.