What is a NAC security clearance?
What is a NAC security clearance?
A National Agency Check (NAC) is the minimum investigative requirement for final clearance up to SECRET and for interim clearance up to TOP SECRET for certain categories of personnel. An NAC is also an integral part of a background investigation.
What is a NAC plus special investigative inquiry?
Special Investigative Inquiry is a personnel. security. investigation conducted to prove or disprove allegations. relating to the criteria outlined in § 154.7(a) of this part except current criminal activities (see § 154.9(c)(4)), that have arisen concerning an individual upon whom a personnel security determination.
How long is a NAC investigation good for?
5 years
The NACI is good for 5 years and the elements include a completed National Agency Check where federal agencies databases are queried and a law enforcement check. Written correspondence is required to verify education, employment and character references.
How long does a Naclc last?
You should know that reinvestigations are required no later than 10 years (in cases except for Confidential clearances which allow up to 15 years before reinvestigation) but these may be directed at any time. Expect to have local law enforcement contacted for any area you have lived in during the coverage period.
What is a Tier 1 security clearance?
Tier 1 is the investigation for positions designated as low-risk, non-sensitive. It is also the minimum level of investigation for a final credentialing determination for physical and logical access.
What can disqualify you from a government job?
In most cases, individuals tried in federal criminal courts are disqualified from government jobs. Crimes, such as fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion, and similar white-collar offenses, are highly frowned upon.
Is a NACLC a secret clearance?
The National Agency Check with Law and Credit (NACLC) is a type of background check required in the U.S. for granting security clearance. The NACLC is used as the initial investigation for contractors at the Confidential, Secret, and L access levels.
What does a NACLC show?
A National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks and Credit Check is a background investigation required for access to Confidential or Secret Information. The check includes review of the FBI criminal history repository, a credit check, and a check of local law enforcement agencies.