What is a meaning of obligation?

Definition of obligation 1 : the action of obligating oneself to a course of action (as by a promise or vow) 2a : something (such as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of conscience or custom) that obligates one to a course of action made an obligation to pay their children’s college expenses.

What is obligation and examples?

The definition of an obligation is something that someone is required to do. An example of obligation is for a student to turn in his homework on time every day. noun. 8. A moral or legal duty to perform or to not perform some action.

Does obligation mean duty?

If you say that someone has an obligation to do something or a duty to do something, you mean that they ought to do it, because it is their responsibility. When obligation and duty are used like this, they have the same meaning.

Is obligation and responsibility the same?

Being responsible means you have a sense of moral or ethical duty to something or someone which may imply an obligation to do something. An obligation is simply a mandate to do something that does not connote any moral or ethical dimension.

What are the obligations of a person?

An obligation is a situation in which a person has an honorable, inherent, or legal duty to do something. The basic legal definition of obligation is a bit different and can be described as a binding tie which requires individuals involved to do something or pay for something under legal terms according to the law.

What is obligation of a citizen?

Every U.S. citizen must obey federal, state and local laws, and pay the penalties that can be incurred when a law is broken. Paying taxes. All citizens must pay taxes in one form or another, including federal, state, local, Social Security, property and sales taxes.

Is obligation the same as responsibility?

What is the difference between commitment and obligation?

What’s the difference between commitments and obligations? A commitment is something you agree to do or choose to engage in. An obligation arises out of you choosing to commit to something. An obligation is something that you’re obliged to do; you feel you have to out of a sense of duty because you said you would.

Is obligation a choice?

Obligation exists when there is a choice to do what is morally good and what is morally unacceptable. There are also obligations in other normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social obligations, religious, and possibly in terms of politics, where obligations are requirements which must be fulfilled.

What does obligation mean in a relationship?

Obligation occurs when we show up, but resentment, frustration, anger, jealousy, spitefulness, and guilt, hurt, or pain are in tow. When we keep ourselves in obligation, we keep ourselves in tunnel vision – unaware of possibilities outside our narrow focus.

What’s the difference between duty and obligation?

An act of duty comes from a moral or legal necessity, according to DiffSense. An obligation, on the other hand, arises out of a set of rules aimed at maintaining order that one has signed himself up for. These distinctions can be applied to the workplace.

What are obligations in society?

As a member (or unit) of society or the state a man must behave in a way which is good for all and which is helpful in promoting the welfare of society. Society calls upon the individuals to follow certain norms. These are obligations or duties. A duty is an obligation.