What is a level plane in surveying?

Any plane tangential to the level surface at any point is known as the ‘horizontal plane’. It is perpendicular to the plumb line which is indicates the direction of gravity. HORIZONTALLINE. Any line laying on the horizontal plane is said to be a horizontal line. It is a straight line tangential to the level line (Fig.

What is level surface and horizontal surface?

The level surface is a curved surface of the earth whereas the horizontal surface is a plane. Also, the level surface is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at all the points.

What is levelling survey?

Levelling Survey Levelling is a process of determining the height of one level relative to another. It is used in surveying to establish the elevation of a point relative to a datum or to establish a point at a given elevation relative to a datum.

What is levelling and define terms in levelling?

Levelling is defined as the process of determining the relative heights or elevations of points or objects on the earth’s surface. The elevation of a point is defined as its vertical distance measured above or below a reference level which is called datum. The most widely used datum surface is the Mean Sea Level, M.S.L.

What is level surface?

Level surfaces are surfaces that represent the solution to scalar-valued functions of three independent variables.

What is a level surface in construction?

Level surface: A level surface is defined as a curved surface which at each point is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at the point. The surface of a still water is a truly level surface. Any surface parallel to the mean spheroidal surface of the earth is, therefore, a level surface.

What is the difference between a horizontal plane and level plane?

Level line: A level line is a line lying in a level surface. It is, therefore, normal to the plumb line at all points. Horizontal plane: Horizontal plane through a point is a plane tangential to the level surface at that point. It is, therefore, perpendicular to the plumb line through the point.

Why is levelling Survey important?

It helps the surveyor or cartographer to make contour maps of the land sea surface. this is because it determine the benchmark IMPORTANCE OF LEVELLING It helps pipe transport engineers to ensure appropriate slope of the land that will allow smooth movement of the liquid in the transit example, water and liquid.

What is level surface in levelling?

Level surface is the continuous surface parallel to the mean spheroid of the earth. The line representing the level surface is termed as level line. The level line makes right angles to the vertical line or plumb line at any point. It means the any point on level line is equidistance from the center of earth.

Which is the example of level surface?

A level surface is the equipotential surface of the earth’s gravity field. It is a curved surface and every element of which is normal to plumb line. A body of still water provides the best example of a level surface.