What is a letter of Compliance for superannuation?

What is this? To be able to pay super contributions on your behalf, your employer may ask you to provide a letter from us stating that we are a complying fund and that we can accept employer contributions. This document is also known as the General Compliance Certificate.

How do I transfer my super to MLC?

  1. Consolidate your super form. Page 1 of 2.
  2. Request to transfer super benefits between funds. You can also fill in this form online at mlc.com.au/consolidate * Mandatory fields.
  3. Your personal details.
  4. Your residential address details.
  5. Your other super fund details.
  6. Your MLC fund details.
  7. Your authorisation.
  8. Send us your form.

What is my unique superannuation identifier MLC?

MLC Superannuation Fund’s USI Number is 40022701955012.

What is a compliance letter?

A compliance letter is a document from planning and building divisions outlining the proposed use of a property and whether or not it currently meets zoning and building regulations.

What is a complying superannuation fund?

Funds which comply with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. qualify for concessional tax rates. A complying super fund is taxed at 15%. Non-complying super funds do not receive concessional tax rates. A non-complying super fund is taxed at 45%.

What is a superannuation document?

Employers. Use the form to offer eligible employees their choice of superannuation (super) fund. You must fill in the details of your nominated super fund, also known as your default fund, before giving the form to an employee.

Is MLC a self managed super fund?

This arrangement promotes true self management of the fund by ensuring all the members have the opportunity to be involved in making decisions that directly affect their superannuation.

What is MLC MasterKey?

Designed for all Australians, it’s the easy-to-manage super account that will see you through your working life and into retirement. It’s easy to choose an investment option that suits your personal investment objectives and risk appetite.

How do you write a complying letter?

Compliance Letter Format Format a compliance letter as you would any other letter. Include your name and contact information on the top, along with the date. Address the letter to the person at the organization who either requested the letter or who is in charge of monitoring compliance.

How do I access my MLC Masterkey Insurance Guide?

If you have insurance in your MLC MasterKey Business Super account with a provider other than MLC Limited, you can access your PDS, including Insurance Guide, by logging into your account at mlc.com.au. If you’re not sure, you can call us on 132 652 Monday to Friday 8 am and 6 pm (AEST).

How can I find out more about my MLC statement?

At MLC we’re making it easier for you to find out everything you need to know about your statement. Locate, view and download any of the forms and documents available from MLC and MLC Life Insurance. Contribute to your super account. Need help?

How do I nominate my MLC Super for employer contributions?

Nominate your MLC super for employer contributions. Login to your secure online portfolio, select your super account and then click on the Super choice, to download a pre-filled MLC Super Choice form that you can email or give to your employer. Download and give the form to your employer so that they can make contributions to your account.