What is a Kettlebug?
What is a Kettlebug?
The kettlebug family is a family of enemies in Pikmin 2, with only one known member, the Antenna Beetle.
What is British slang for silly?
Daft – Daft is a great word which means silly or stupid. Ass/Arse – Both of these can mean your backside.
What does Bullocks mean in America?
bullock in American English 2. a castrated bull; steer. Word origin.
What does pip pip cheerio mean in British?
(Britain, colloquial) Goodbye; cheerio, toodeloo (toodle-oo), toodle pip (mostly used by the upper classes). quotations ▼ (Britain, colloquial) A general greeting, mostly used by the upper classes.
What does sod mean in British slang?
If someone uses an expression such as sod it, sod you, or sod that, they are expressing anger or showing that they do not care about something. [British, informal, rude, feelings]
What does English term Bullock mean?
a young bull
Definition of bullock 1 : a young bull. 2 : a castrated bull : steer.
What is a bullock UK?
British English: bullock /ˈbʊlək/ NOUN. A bullock is a young bull that has been castrated.
What is a bullock slang?
A ‘bullock’ is a young bull; this isn’t a slang term. You probably mean ‘bollocks’. Nonsense, i.e. either a clearly false/misleading statement or an unintentionally absurd statement (synonymous with “twaddle”, “hogwash”, “humbug”, “claptrap”, “bullshit”, “drivel”, “poppycock”, “gobbledygook”, etc.)
What is the difference between a cow and a bullock?
Rather strange wording, but bullocks are domestic cattle as are cows and, bulls and heifers. Generally speaking cows are female, but low are male – they are somewhat different in shape from cows and carry quite visible genitalia considering of a penis and testes or ‘balls’.
What is the meaning of the word’bollocks’?
The word is often used figuratively in colloiquial British english and Hiberno-english as noun as to mean “ nonsense” , an expletive following a minor accident or misfortune or an adjective to mean “poor quality” or “useless”. Bullocks are male cattle. Bollocks is the word you’d be referring to.
What does talking bollocks mean?
“Talking bollocks ” generally means talking nonsense or bullshit, for example: “Don’t listen to him, he’s talking bollocks “, or “… talking absolute bollocks “. Another example is “I told Maurice that he was talking bollocks, that he was full of shit and that his opinions were a pile of piss.