What is a jackshaft sprocket?

The jackshaft sprocket transfers the power from the engine to the rear axle by way of the chain and is a very important part of the drive system. Itincludes two set screws and a 3/16″ keyway slot.

Does a Go Kart need a jackshaft?

A jackshaft is not required for racing go-karts but is intended for off-road go-karts or homemade go-karts that aren’t able to align the crankshaft with the axle directly or have a torque converter. It’s more common in motorcycles and snowmobiles.

What does a jackshaft do on a mini bike?

In a Go-Kart or a Mini Bike, a jackshaft is a shaft between the Axle and the Engine’s Crankshaft. It is used as an intermediary in the power transmission from the engine to the wheel.

What’s a jack shaft do?

A jackshaft, also called a countershaft, is a common mechanical design component used to transfer or synchronize rotational force in a machine. A jackshaft is often just a short stub with supporting bearings on the ends and two pulleys, gears, or cranks attached to it.

What is a jackshaft on a snowmobile?

A jackshaft is an axle-like device that is driven from one object and drives another object. Many machines use a jackshaft to operate accessories that cannot be directly run from a power source. A common jackshaft drive is found on a snowmobile.

What is a motorcycle jackshaft?

The jackshaft connects the starter motor to the starter driven gear on the outside of the clutch basket. This article uses 1998 Road King as an example, but a similar set up is used on 1990 and newer big bikes.

What is a jack shaft on a Harley?

One important piece of this system is the jackshaft assembly. The jackshaft connects the starter motor to the starter driven gear on the outside of the clutch basket.

What is a snowmobile jackshaft?

The jackshaft on a snowmobile is the shaft that connects the driven clutch with the chain drive gear. The driven clutch drives the jackshaft while the jackshaft drives the gear in the chaincase. If you want to learn more about a snowmobile’s jackshaft, you are in the right place.